4 Miche Bags for the Price of 1

Cyber Weekend Bundles – get 4 Miche Bags for the Price of 1

November 23-26 only


Miche Bag – $40 GC for only $20! Handbags & Accessories (Shipping Included!)

$20 for $40 Worth of Handbags and Accessories from Miche Bag

Groupon.com LINK

Select Richmond as your city! You don’t need to live in Richmond. You will purchase the groupon and then redeem @ MicheBag.com. This is a SIDE DEAL.

A black plastic bag may be sleek and stylish, but it’s not durable enough to tote a pet brick or a gaggle of Chihuahuas. Acquire a handier handbag with today’s Groupon: for $20, you get $40 worth of handbags and accessories from Miche Bag, valid online.

Miche Bag’s crafty design offers an array of customizable options to create and change up arm candy. A Miche Bag base comes in three sizes—a standard two-handled classic ($32.95), a big bag ($39.95), and a mini Miche, perfect for storing miniature things such as ponies ($17.95). Bags can be fitted with a wide variety of striking magnetic bag shells, such as the plaid Tori design for the classic size ($27.95) and the geometric Brianna piece for the big bag ($39.95). Enlist the miniaturized patterns of the quirky Kennedy to pack chromatic bang into a buck-sized bag ($14.95). Accessories such as handles and organizers add practical pizzazz and ensure other spare handbags get left in the dust on speedy fashion runways.

Expires Apr 19, 2012

Limit 1 per person, may by multiple as gifts. Online only. Must use in 1 order. Shipping included.e

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