5 Easy GREEN Habits That Will Save You Money

ecobulb-picAs a frugal person, I’m always looking for ways I can save money, but you may not know that I believe fully in living a green existence. The Earth is our home and I want to take care of it while I’m here, so I’m a big time believer in the green way of life. A lot of people think that it can be difficult to go green or that they will have to change their entire lifestyle, but that’s actually not true at all. It’s really simple to go green and I’m going to show you some easy ways you can go green and save money while you do it.

#1. Quit Eating Out

This is something that I preach all the time. Eating out is a horrible having to get into and it’s so easy to fall into the trap. Going through a fast good restaurant’s drive-thru is quick, easy and as painless as possible After all, you won’t have to go home and make a meal for the entire family. However, the expenses of eating out can add up fairly quickly. First of all, you’ll be able to save money by cooking at home. Plus, you won’t have to waste gas by going to the fast food restaurant. Also, you’ll undoubtedly have a healthier meal if you eat at home.

#2. Replace Napkins with Cloths

I know this one may sound like a stretch, but this one is so easy to do it’s ridiculous and it will save you a ton of money in the long haul. Also, your table will look a whole lot fancier come dinner time. As clothes get dirty, you can just toss them in with the dirty clothes and wash them as needed. Napkins are a complete waste and just get thrown out after being used.

#3. Use a Reusable Water Bottle

Plastic bottles are nothing more than a huge waste and they’re quite expensive, too. All those plastic bottles you’re throwing out every day gets shipped off to a landfill. Instead, you should get a nice water bottle and reuse it. If you want, you could get a water filter, such as a Brita filter and use it to make your water taste better.

#4. Stop Using Traditional Light Bulbs

Instead of using those old school light bulbs, you should switch to fluorescent bulbs, as they use 30% less energy than traditional light bulbs and they last as much as 10x longer. In other words, you’re saving money on your power bill and you’re producing less waste. Sure, these bulbs may cost you a little more upfront, but they’re worth it, as you’ll save money in the long haul.

#5. Don’t Use So Much Water

People use an absolute ton of water. If you’re able to cut down on your water use, you’ll be able to save money on your water bill and help conserve our most crucial natural resource.

What simple habits would you suggest someone adopt to save money and also help save the Earth? Leave a comment below and let us know.

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