10 Inexpensive & Fun Family Winter Activities

How many of you guys love the snow?? I’m still trying to get to that point. It’s winter time which means most of us are covered in snow and cold weather. If you are in that situation, then you’ll want to check out these fun 10 inexpensive activities that you can do with your family.

  1. Sledding- try a new location this winter
  2. Build a snow fort
  3. Ice Skating
  4. Snowshoeing- many ski places will rent these for super cheap
  5. Play fox & geese – check out the rules here
  6. Build a snowman- even make a family
  7. Make a snow angel
  8. Skiing- check out this post to save some money on skiing
  9. Snowball fight- use your snow forts as bases
  10. Lay down in the snow and watch it fall on your face. Enjoy a still moment.

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