How to Navigate PYP Part 1: The Top Navigation Bar

Update: To view this video in high quality, you can download it here. In order to make the screen shots extremely clear, the file size is quite large and may take a whie to download. We’re looking for a more efficient option, but in the mean time, if you start the download and then go eat dinner, you should be able to come back and watch the video.

Do you have a friend (or maybe it’s you) who’s not sure how to navigate Pinching Your Pennies? This series of videos is meant to give you an in-depth look at how to navigate all the different areas of PYP. This video starts by looking at the basic areas that can be accessed through the navigation bar at the top of every page. Future videos will look at how the forums are organized, the types of shopping lists that are available and how to easily print them, and how to use the communications features of PYP, including the chat room and the private message system.

As usual, if you have questions about using PYP, or suggestions for videos on a particular topic, comment here and I’ll put it on my “posts to write for PYP” list.

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