Things You Didn’t Know about Ancient Rome

Things You Didn’t Know about Ancient Rome

Things You Didn’t Know about Ancient Rome


Ancient Rome continues to fascinate history buffs. If you are traveling to Italy or plan on finding out more interesting things about Ancient Rome, there are plenty of things that can surprise you. Things that aren’t sometimes mentioned in history books.

Ancient Rome was one of the most powerful empires in the world. And the biggest empire of the western civilization. There are still many things that remain a mystery regarding Ancient Rome and romans.



Air Conditioning

Archeologists have discovered that the Ancient Romans had cold aqueduct water run in pipes in their houses to make the rooms cooler during the hot season.

Not All Romans Were Speakers of Latin

Since romans conquered so many empires, it was practically impossible for all the conquered people to speak Latin. And the Roman aristocracy spoke both Greek and Latin.

Life Expectancy

Life expectancy in Ancient Rome was from 20 to 30 years. However, a lot of people lived until they reached 60 or70 years. Not different from the modern world.

Not Fighters Only

Although romans were remembered for their military and fighting skills, they were also amazing engineers and architects. Roman architecture influenced the entire world.


Romans made use of their brilliant engineers. They created aqueducts (bridges and special channels) that brought water in the major cities. The grandiose public baths were filled with people.


Romans tried all sorts of exotic dishes from roast parrot to flamingo and even stork. They used to lie down while eating so that they can better digest their food.

Tunics and Togas

Togas were a sign of wealth while tunics were worn by regular Roman people.

Gladiator Blood

Romans thought that if they used gladiator blood they’d cure infertility and epilepsy.

Start Wearing Purple…or Not

Only the emperor and the senators of the empire could wear purple clothes. If other people wore purple, they’d be immediately accused of treason.

Phallic Symbols Everywhere

Romans had some weird good luck charms. These charms were shaped like phalluses. Freud would have something to say about this.

A Different Take on Socializing

Since there were so many public toilets in Rome (over 140 public toilets) people used to socialize while they went on with their business.

Hair Dyeing

It seems that hair dyeing isn’t a modern common practice. Roman ladies used to dye their hair all sorts of colors, the most popular ones being red and blonde.

Perfumed Oils Instead of Soaps

Since soaps weren’t invented back then, Romans used perfumed oils instead. They were obsessed about being clean.

Christianity and Cannibalism

Romans believed in many Gods but they did not like or understand Christianity too much. They thought Christians were cannibals because they drank the blood and ate the body of Christ. They didn’t know that this practice was a symbolic one.

Many Temples

Since romans worshipped many gods, there many temples scattered all around the empire.


Romans weren’t big fans of philosophy because they associated it with Greece, a country they considered inferior.




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