The Dangers Posed by Low Vitamin D Levels

The Dangers Posed by Low Vitamin D Levels


The Dangers Posed by Low Vitamin D Levels
Vitamin D deficiency is among the most common problems people face. If the vitamin D levels aren’t fixed, you can end up dealing with a lot of health issues, one more serious than the other. There are many options that can help you get the necessary vitamin D intake from supplements to delicious foods.

The best way to make sure you will never find out the dangers posed by low vitamin D levels is to go to the doctor regularly, check to see if everything is alright with you, eat healthy, go out more and lead an active lifestyle.


Pregnancy Issues

Low vitamin D levels during pregnancy have been linked to autism.

Muscle Weakness

If you notice that your muscles don’t seem as strong as they used to, get your vitamin D intake.

Bone Pain

Bone pain is never pleasant. It’s one of the most common signs of vitamin D deficiency.

Cardiovascular Diseases

Low vitamin D levels have been associated with cardiovascular diseases.

Your Cognitive Functions

Unfortunately, even your cognitive abilities will be affected by lack of vitamin D in your body.

Asthma in Kids

Severe asthma in children has been reported when they lack the necessary vitamin D intake.

The Importance of the Sunshine Vitamin

This vitamin is so important because it fortifies our bones and it keeps us protected from several illnesses. Vitamin D is also known as the sunshine vitamin because it is produced by our bodies as a response to the skin being exposed to sunlight. This vitamin can also be found in some fish, egg yolks, dairy products and grain products. Soaking up the sun also helps.

More Prone to Cancer

Another serious threat that you can face when you don’t have enough Vitamin D in your body is cancer.

A Number of Different Conditions

Although the studies aren’t conclusive yet, it seems that the right amount of Vitamin D in your body keeps you safe from getting type 1 and type 2 diabetes. You are also less likely to suffer from multiple sclerosis; you also reduce the chances of being glucose intolerant or to suffer from hypertension.

Raw Veganism

Raw veganism poses a serious threat to your health if your diet isn’t supervised by a doctor and a nutritionist. You have to take your mineral and vitamin supplements. Most natural sources of vitamin D are animal-based and since raw veganism is against the consumption of animal-based products, vegans can easily find themselves exposed to different conditions and illnesses.

You Are the Indoors Type

Try to get out more, even if you don’t like it. If you are exposed to the sunlight, your body will produce vitamin D. But don’t forget to use sunscreen, especially during summer.


Obese people have trouble extracting vitamin D from the blood. Obesity is another common issue that people have to take care of so when something is wrong with our body, the domino effect comes into play. Do whatever it takes to get the necessary mineral and vitamin intake, be more active and embrace a healthier lifestyle. It isn’t that hard and you will definitely enjoy the results.



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