4 Reasons You Shouldn’t Make Any New Year’s Resolutions

Do you typically make a New Year’s Resolution?  Do you end up screwing up and giving up on that resolution within just a couple of weeks?  Don’t worry, you aren’t the only one. It happens to the best of us. So, let’s talk about some really valid reasons why you should actually just not make any resolutions this year.  I’m serious. Let’s try something new and go resolution free in 2019!

  1. You need to be satisfied with your current life. Have you ever heard the term “the grass is always greener on the other side” Well, that is kind of the same thing as setting resolutions because life will be better then when in reality, you need to learn how to be satisfied with how your life currently is.  
  2. Why wait.  If there are changes that need to be made in your life, why wait?  You need to start making these changes now, now put a time frame on it.  This just allows you to procrastinate, procrastination is good for no one.
  3. Failure sucks.  80% of New Year’s Resolutions will fail by February.  Not that I assume yours will fail, of course, but why give yourself a way to let yourself down.  Seriously, start making changes in your life without the big to-do of a New Year’s Resolution. It puts less pressure on you.
  4. Life improvement knows no date.  Honestly, like I keep mentioning, there is no reason to set January 1st as when you need to start doing things differently.  Do it any day!

There is absolutely nothing wrong with setting resolutions if that is what you want to do. There is nothing wrong with setting them especially if you know that you can follow through.  Bettering yourself is always a good idea, it just doesn’t have to be so strict. You’ve got this.


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