4 Things to Do to Help Make Back to School Less Stressful

It’s back to school time! That’s right. It’s time to start fresh. A yearly reset if you will and this year is going to be awesome! 

There was just not enough time to enjoy summer, but that’s okay because we are going to make the upcoming school year the best one yet! The following 4 things will help make back to school less stressful for you so that everyone can enjoy a more calm beginning to the year. 

4 Things to Do to Help Make Back to School Less Stressful

Create a Plan

Having a plan will go a long way to making your back to school process less stressful. What time will the kids need to wake up? Are they riding the bus? If not, who is taking them? What route will you be driving, etc. All of these things may seem insignificant, but I assure you, they are not. 

Get Back to a Routine Early

Don’t wait until the day before school to get your kids to bed at a decent time. If you don’t stick to a schedule during the summer months (no judgment), be sure and start getting back to it a week or two before the kids go back to school. Be sure that they wake up early and go to sleep early too!

Meal Plan / Prep

Those first couple of weeks of school are hectic and chaotic. Make sure you don’t make meal time part of that chaos. Plan and prep your meals in advance and I promise you that you will have less stress going on. 

Be Positive

I know you are stressed about the school year starting, but be sure to not spend all of your time complaining about it or being outwardly stressed about it. Your children will feed off of your energy and they will be stressed too. The more you stress the more they will and I assure you, you do not want to go into the school year with stressed out children.

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