5 Tips for Hosting a Garden Party

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Spring has sprung!  How is the weather where you are?  If you are ready to take advantage of the nice weather and host some friends and family over for a lovely garden party, I say just do it!  

If you aren’t really sure how to host a successful one, I have put together a little list for you of my favorite 5 tips for hosting a garden party:

  1. Choose a theme or color.  If you love a themed party, then by all means, pick a theme and roll with it.  Otherwise, choose a color to stick with and grab some tablecloths and napkins that correspond with it.  It doesn’t have to be spendy either. Hit up the dollar store and grab these items!
  2. Go with light drinks.  If serving alcohol, go with mimosas or a spritzer of some kind to keep it lighter. If you are throwing a dry party, try juices and soft drinks.  There is no need to work yourself into the ground creating beverages the whole time. Oh and be sure to keep plenty of ice on hand!
  3. Make it buffet style.  Buffet style food at a garden party is ideal for several reasons.  One, when the food is spread out, it prevents long lines at the food table and two, it’s simply easier than serving each person individually.  It is also helpful for potluck style parties.
  4. Get removable labels for drinks.  If you are using glassware, get reuseable labels for everyone’s drinks so people don’t end up drinking from the wrong cup.  If you are going with plastic cups, grab a sharpie and get to writing! It saves a lot of headache if people know where their drink is.
  5. Use that bluetooth speaker.  I love love love bluetooth speakers when I am hosting a party.  You can place them virtually anywhere and set the music to a volume that is perfect for the surroundings.  Not so loud that everyone’s voices are drown out, but loud enough that everyone can hear the background music.


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