5 Tips to Throwing a Fantastic BBQ

I don’t even know if I can handle winter for the next week and a half, I am so over it!  How about you? In fact, the sun was shining here for a few hours yesterday and I tried to convince my husband to fire up the grill! Lol  I NEED my summer fun!

Do you love BBQs in the spring and summertime? I do!  I am all about it. That’s why I decided to talk a little bit today about backyard bbqs!   Do you want to step up your backyard BBQ game? If you are looking for some ideas on how to throw an awesome BBQ, you are looking in the right place!

Here are 5 tips to throwing a fantastic BBQ:

  1. Pot Luck.  When you invite your guests, say yes to their offers to bring something.  This is great for several reasons. LESS MESS. LESS WORK. AND LESS MONEY SPENT!!
  2. Stick with Basics. If you want to have a low stress BBQ, stick with offering the basics.  There is no need to go crazy making fancy foods here. Hot dogs, burgers, chips, potato salad, etc.
  3. Have a good selection of yummy cold drinks!  Having a good selection of refreshing drinks can make or break your party, especially when it is hot outside.  Iced tea, soda, beer, chilled wine, juice for the kiddos! Even a nice pitcher of Ice Water can be a crowd pleaser.
  4. Don’t forget Dessert.  Seriously…you need to have cool desserts on hand, even if they are popsicles or ice cream bars.  This is especially true for summertime BBQs when it is hot outside. One of my favorite BBQ desserts? Grilled peaches served with vanilla ice cream.  It’s so good!
  5. Skip the Decor.  Your friends are there for food, fun and friendship, not to judge your BBQ decorating skills.  Skip the decor all together or string up some lights or citronella candles or torches.

Do you have any tips for throwing the best BBQ?

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