6 Things To Avoid Buying at Yard Sales


The current situation we find ourselves in has many of us wondering if we will even see a yard sale season this year. I like to be the optimist though, so I am going to go ahead and assume that at some point later this spring or summer, we will, in fact, get a chance to get out there and visit some yard sales! As an extra special bonus, many people have been spending their time at home going through their stuff and purging their belongings which means that there will be some EPIC yard sales once the stay at home orders have been lifted.

I thought that I would sit down and chat a little bit about somethings you should never, ever buy at yard sales (even though they may be tempting). On the flip side, if you are the one having the yard sale, you should avoid trying to sell these particular items. 

6 Things To Avoid Buying at Yard Sales

Baby Furniture / Gear

I am all about buying baby clothes and blankets, etc at yard sales, but never ever buy used car seats, cribs or other baby furniture from yard sales. These items often have recalls and as far as the car seat is concerned, you just never know when one has been involved in a wreck (which lowers its strength even if they look fine).


Bed bugs. Pee Stains. No thank you. .Hey..I’m all about spending money and doing what you can, but I would avoid buying a mattress at a yard sale. Instead, shop for a cheap one on Amazon, or other retailer. Or, see if your family or friends have one for sale. 


I avoid buying used shoes for two reasons. One: Foot fungus. EWWWW. Two: Many shoes form to your feet after wearing them for a while. This can cause foot problems for you if they are formed to someone else’s feet. 


I shouldn’t need to put this on the list, but I feel like I need to anyway. YUCK! Go to a discount store and pay $1 for a pair of undies. It is absolutely not worth buying them used. 


Avoid swimsuits for the same reason that you would avoid buying underwear at a yard sale. The exception here is swimsuit tops. I will gladly buy these pre-owned. 

Damaged Non-Stick Cookware

Never ever ever buy scratched non-stick cookware. It has been proven that it is dangerous to consume. If you have little money and absolutely need one, head to Walmart and buy a cheap one that will last you a little while until you can afford a high quality set. 


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