A Two Target Day!

So yesterday I snuck in TWO trips to Target… Two different Targets!

AND Look how exciting and different my trips were!!! 🙂

Target #1

•2 Heinz Ketchup $1.79 – $2 IP (Facebook promo) = $0.21 overage each
•Nivea Body Wash $3.04 -$3 MQ = $0.04 each
•2 Allegra Allergy $6.78 – $2 TQ – $5 MQ = $0.22 overage!
This store had both men’s and women’s nivea priced at $3.04 and $3.99 depending upon the variety. The $3.04 men’s variety was out of stock.

Target #2
•Nivea Body Wash $3.99-$1 TQ (mailer)= $3 MQ = $0.01 overage
•2 Allegra Allergy $6.78 – $2 TQ – $5 MQ = $0.22 overage!

This store didn’t have any Nivea priced under $3.99… funny how the pricing can vary so much!..

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