Affordable Tools Everyone Needs

power tools

Are you just now moving out? Are you moving into the first house that you’ve ever owned? If so, you’re probably going to need at least a few basic tools in your garage (or basement) just in case something goes wrong. Don’t worry though. We’re not going to ask you to buy a chainsaw or anything (leave that to the professionals). No, we’re going to be giving you a list of tools everyone needs. Yes, that includes you! So, if you’re ready to get started and want to find out what tools you may be missing that we think you need, scroll down now!



Regardless of what some people may say or think, we still consider a flashlight to be a tool. It’s also a tool that we think everyone should consider owning. It comes in handy if you have to be outside at night, if the power goes out, if you’re working on a car, and numerous other things. Go ahead and invest a little money in a nice flashlight and a few packs of batteries. They’ll come in handy for the flashlight as well as other various items.


You may not think that this one has many uses to the point where you’d absolutely have to have one but think about this. How many times have you bought something that having a screwdriver was necessary to put it together? You know, stuff like entertainment centers, kitchen tables, dresser drawers, your bed, the doggy door, and other random stuff. See! It makes sense, right? Now, what are you waiting for? Add a screwdriver to your grocery list.


A hammer is a lot like a screwdriver to us. You need it to put stuff together sometimes but it also comes in handy when you have to hang up pictures, fight off burglars, or if you need to break up some frozen hamburger patties. In all seriousness though, a hammer is a very useful tool that you should have in your tool box. It will pay for itself over and over again.

Measuring Tape

Finally, we recommend getting some measuring tape like those cool, metal, retractable measuring tape boxes. When you’re first moving into a place you’ll need one to figure out where a washer and dryer can fit. You’ll also need it to see if the couch can fit through the door. Aside from that, you’ll also need it many times in the future so it’s worth buying.


Now you know what tools we think you should definitely own when moving into your first home or if you just don’t have any tools at all. All of these tools are generally cheap and you probably won’t have to spend more than $20 to get all of the tools that we just discussed. Of course, you get what you pay for so if you buy cheap tools, don’t expect to build a house with them but they should hold up for general, everyday tasks you perform.

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