Back to School Time Saving Tips

Public school buses parked in a line with doors open

When school is getting ready to start again, life just gets busy and hectic and it feels like you simply don’t have time for anything.  I have three children, I know the drill. This year though I have a kid going into middle school and one in high school, plus a toddler in tow, I need all the time I can get.  

So, if you are like me and you need some help with time management, here are some back to school time savings tips:

  • Make a schedule.  Make a schedule of the things you need to do and plan accordingly.  Combine trips, plan shopping trips together, etc.
  • Shop online.  I’m all for supporting local businesses, but the reality is, online shopping helps you save a lot of time and sometimes a lot of money in general.
  • Meal plan.  Create a meal plan for the week or month ahead.  Planning your meals in advance cuts down on time needed throughout the day.
  • Recruit the kids to help.  I know it seems easier to just do all of the work yourself, but I promise you once you actually hand off some responsibility to the kids, it will start getting easier.  Plus, they need to learn these responsibilities anyway.
  • Get schedules early.  Be sure to get the kids schedules early so that you know exactly what times they will need to arrive at school or the bus stop.

What things have you found to be best at helping you save time when it comes to back to school time?  Time management hasn’t always been my strong suit and I still to this day find that I falter in it from time to time.  I would love to hear any tips and/or pointers that you have found helpful in saving you time.

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