The Best Ways to Save Money on Back to School

When is school back in session in your area? My kids start back in early September, but I know many kids who head back in mid-August. Even though I still have about 6 weeks til then, I’m all about getting started now so that I might be able to save a little bit of money!! I have three kids, but only 2 in school (middle school and high school) and it gets expensive. If you find yourself stressed about by it too, there are ways that you can save.

Here are some of the best ways to save money on back to school that I always follow:

Spread your shopping out

I try very hard not to do all of my shopping at once. While, yes, I do set and stick to an overall budget, I find it difficult to spend hundreds of dollars at once. For me, it is better to spread the shopping trips out so it’s not such a huge hit at once.

Shop Clearance

I am the queen of clearance and I am not even exaggerating. I NEVER shop full price and I almost always exclusively shop in the clearance section of the store when I do shop. I also like to combine coupon shopping with clearance. For instance, JCPenney often offers $10 off of $25 deals and I always combine the $10 off $25 with the clearance deals I have found. It has gotten me some sweet deals before.

Shop Online

Yes, there are good deals to be found when shopping online, but I have found that the best thing about online shopping for me is that I shop for what I am looking for, buy then I am done. Whereas, when I am shopping in store, I find myself looking at other great deals that I don’t necessarily need so I may spend more than I had expected.

What is your favorite way to save money on back to school shopping?

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