DIY Bath Bombs! Simple Easy & Cheaper Than You’d Buy Them For!

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Taking care of yourself is something a lot of moms have a hard time doing, including myself. But I’ve found I’m a better mom and wife when I take the time to concentrate on me and do something I love or that helps me relax. One of my favorite things to help me relax is to take a bath after the kids have gone to bed and I can just lay there with a good book or show. But not just any bath, I love to throw in a bath bomb (or two) as well! These can get pricey so I’ve started making my own, here’s how it works.

8oz of baking soda
4oz of citric acid
4oz of corn starch
4oz of Epsom salts
3/4tsp of water
2 tsp oil (I use coconut oil)
1 tsp essential oil

You’ll also need something to mold them with. I’ve used a plastic egg (from Easter) before and it worked great but once I started making them more often I invested in a set of metal round molds. Then you’ll add together the baking soda, citric acid, corn starch and epsom salts and stir well. In a separate bowl combine your water, oil and essential oil and stir them together.

Now you’ll begin mixing your wet and dry ingredients together slowly. Add, just a little at a time, your wet ingredients into your dry stirring constantly. It will begin to form together once you’ve combined it all. You’ll then need to quickly fill each half of your mold and pack it down before you place the two halves together. Once you’ve pressed them together tightly, slowly take the mold off and set them on a flat surface to dry.

They’ll usually dry to the touch within a few hours but let them sit over night to fully dry. Then place them in a ziplock bag and place in the bathroom for you to use the next time you get a minute to yourself.

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