DIY End Table

We have this corner spot between both desks in the family room that I wanted to fill with an end table. It was dead space….space I could use to put things on and free up more space on the desk.

But it was getting difficult to find a table the exact dimensions I needed, especially the height.

Then one day it hit me…..duh…..use boxes as the “table”, then just cover it! (Yes, I know I need to dust. Just ignore that. I am tired today.)

So that is what we did. And it worked out perfectly. The boxes turned out to be the exact height of my desk! The boxes I used are food storage boxes, so it is a double bonus for me…finding another spot to store my food PLUS get a sturdy end table! I used some fabric I already had to cover it, so NO extra money was spent on this project. LOVE that.

Take a look around your house the next time you need to improvise…and you just might find a way to do it without spending any money.

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