DIY Heart Shaped Crayons

I know there are many places online that show you how to make heart shaped crayons. I have been doing this with my kids since 2008. They love it and so I thought I would share with you in case someone hadn’t heard about it.

PLUS…this is the perfect way to use up all those broken crayons! Another way to use what you have.

Heat your oven to 250 degrees. You take old, broken crayons and put them in a mini tin, melt, and make crayons. I have a silicone heart one, which is perfect for Valentine’s Day. You could use a regular mini muffin tin too. Place a sheet pan under it to catch any drips (although I have never had any). Put in the oven until the crayons melt, about 10 minutes.

Once the crayons are cool, take out of the pan. Smooth rough edges by rubbing on a piece of paper.

These are so fun to make and cute to color with! Family Fun has fun valentine template to use with these crayons if you want to make a valentine out of them.

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