Dollar Store Bargains!

dollar store bargains


We all hear so much about dollar stores, lots of good and lots of bad. Let’s face it, there are all sorts of stories about shopping at dollar stores. Sometime I think the most talked about purchases at dollar stores are those that are horrible. We’ve all seen or heard of horrible purchases people made at dollar stores. Dollar store purchases have a bad rap for being low quality. In reality, not everything at the dollar store is low quality. There are lots of dollar store bargains.


Dollar store bargains vary from store to store. Some stores may have items that other stores do not have, you have to take a look at what is available at your local dollar stores. My local dollar store has lots of things for parties and celebrations. These are some of the things I have found to be my favorite party related dollar store bargains at my local dollar store.


Mylar Balloons
My local dollar store carries Mylar balloons. They have lots of colors, shapes and themes. Around holidays they even have some really cute characters and specialty shaped balloons. The selection is pretty great and you can’t beat the price. Why pay four dollars or more for a balloon when you can get them for just one dollar. You can do a whole bouquet for the price of two somewhere else. Mylar balloons are definitely dollar store bargains.


Holiday Decorations
Have you seen the holiday decoration items available at dollar stores? There are usually all sorts of streamers, balloons, garlands, paper signs, banners and more of the disposable holiday decorating items. I love picking up these kinds of items at the dollar store, total dollar store bargains.


Greeting Cards
There is always a nice selection of greeting cards at my local dollar store. Greeting cards, especially birthday cards attached to gifts, are often read and tossed. Spending only a dollar on one is so much cheaper than the prices at grocery or discount stores. Greeting cards are another of my favorite dollar store bargains.


Gift Wrap and Bags
I love buying gift wrap supplies at my local dollar store. Gift bags and fluff to go inside are my favorites. I can usually get a cute bag for any occasion and then find fluff or tissue paper to go inside it. Gift wrap is another thing that is usually tossed so spending too much on it seems like a waste of money. I love these dollar store bargains.


Party Supplies
Does your dollar store have party supplies? My local dollar store has birthday party supplies and supplies for all sorts of other parties. They have all sorts of plates, cups, napkins and more décor with fun prints and themes – even some that the kids will love! There are all kinds of supplies for fancier parties and events. Colored or clear plates, cups, utensils, serving pieces and more can be found at my dollar store. They have clear plastic plates and cups that are pretty enough to use for weddings and other fancy events. These items are dollar store bargains for sure.


Do these dollar store bargains sound good to you? Have you thought about what quality dollar store bargains are available at the dollar store? If so, stay tuned this week as we talk more about shopping at dollar stores.

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