Dollar Store Shopping Strategy!

dollar store shopping strategy


I’ve been talking about dollar store shopping this week. I’ve spent a couple of days sharing a few of my favorite dollar store deals with you. I was talking to a friend yesterday and she mentioned that she doesn’t dare shop at dollar stores. When I asked her why she said it was because she always spent WAY too much money or bought things that ending up disappointing her. I’ve actually heard that from other people at other times. Dollar store shopping is supposed to save you money, not cause you to spend more. I decided to take a break from talking about all of my dollar store favorites and talk a little bit about dollar store shopping strategy.


Dollar store shopping strategy is not hard to remember at all. In fact, most of my tips and dollar store shopping strategy ideas are common sense when you think about them.


Go with a list
Take a shopping list with you to the dollar store. It is easy to get distracted by all of the bargains and cheap items. You’ll spend only what you planned on spending if you stick to your list. Stick to your list – a great dollar store shopping strategy.
Impulse purchases add up
One of the money wasting traps of the dollar store hides in the same concept that makes it a money saver. Everything is only one dollar, what a concept! An extra dollar spent here and an extra dollar spent there can add up quickly. Before you know it, you’ve spent an extra $20-$30. Another dollar store shopping strategy is to avoid impulse purchases because everything is just one dollar.
Don’t shop hungry
Dollar stores have aisles and aisles of snacks, treats and other food. Treat dollar store shopping like grocery shopping, don’t shop hungry. If you follow this dollar store shopping strategy, you will spend less at the dollar store.


Read labels
Read the labels of the products you are buying. Items may look the same as your favorite product but they may be different. Check the ingredients and other labels on food, personal care products and medicines. This dollar store shopping strategy will save you from wasting money on a disappointing purchase.


Check expirations dates
This dollar store shopping strategy applies to foods, personal care products and medicines. If it can expire or go bad, check the expiration date. Usually products at the dollar store have ok expiration dates but I’ve seen expired products a time or two. Checking the expiration date is another good dollar store shopping strategy.


Compare sizes/weights
When buying something at a dollar store instead of a grocery or discount store, remember to compare the sizes and weights of the product. Sometimes packaging is deceiving and you are getting less than you usually get. Lots of products are the same but I have seen a few that are not. Be sure you are getting a bargain by using this dollar store shopping strategy.


Leave the kids home
I always spend less at the dollar store when I leave the kids home. They are impulse shoppers and want things just because they “are only one dollar.” Leaving the kids home is one more dollar store shopping strategy.


Have an idea to share? Let us know. We love to hear from you. Stay tuned this week as we continue the discussion about dollar store shopping.

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