Donate unused items!

donate unused items
January is a great time to declutter. We talked about making room for all of the new gift items and getting rid of unused items. I mentioned how I like to sell anything that I can but that sometimes I have items in good condition that I just don’t want to sell for some reason or another. I donate these items. There are lots of different ways to donate unused items. You might be surprised at all of the different ways and places you can donate unused items. Sometimes being creative with your donations can help you get rid of things more easily.


There are so many ways and places to donate unused items. Most of us probably think first or only of the main thrift store in our area. Sometimes that mental block may keep us from donating or decluttering to the max. It is great to donate to thrift stores but lots of other places are thrilled when people donate unused items. Expanding your list of donation possibilities and increase your decluttering – you’ll be glad you did! Here are a few donation ideas for when it is time for you to donate unused items.


Friends and Family
Many times we look right past our friends, family and neighbors when we donate unused items. If you have something you think others might want, put the word out and see if anyone could use it. Make a few phone calls or just put it on Facebook. You might have just what someone close to you needs.


Thrift Stores
I think this is the most popular way to donate unused items. There are often many different thrift stores that can take donations. Thrift stores may be affiliated with churches, charities and other organizations. Ask around, you may be surprised at how many thrift stores are in your area. Sometimes spreading the love to the less donated to thrift stores is a nice way to donate unused items.


Homeless and Women’s Shelters
Is there a homeless or women’s shelter near you? Shelters love donations of gently used items and usually have wish lists posted online or available for pick up. Toys, clothing, housewares are all things that shelters can use. If you are going to donate unused items, this is a wonderful kind of donation to make.


Have you thought about your local school when you donate unused items? There are lots of items that you might be able to donate to a classroom. If you have something you think could be used in a classroom, contact your local school and ask how to do it. Some schools will just let you bring it in and others may have you bring a note in to post in the teacher’s lounge. With budgets tight, teachers really appreciate help from parents and friends.


Daycares and Preschools
Preschools and daycares are another great option when you donate unused items. You might be surprised how many of your unused items can be used by these places. Even though daycares and preschools charge tuition, there never seems to be enough money to do everything. If you have items these places could use, they’d love it if you chose to donate unused items to them.


Churches and Religious Organizations
Can any of your unused items be used by your church or another religious organization? When you donate unused items don’t forget to think about these groups. They are often strapped for funds and donations are very welcome. You may find some great ways to donate unused items.


I’m sure there are many more ways and places to donate unused items than the ones I have mentioned here. Want to share your ideas? Let us know. We love to hear from you.

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