Easy Ways to Keep Your Thanksgiving on Budget When You are Hosting


The holidays are almost here better start stressing now.  Right?  I mean who doesn’t spend the holidays stressed right?  Between being surrounded by family (not always what you want) and having your budget stretched to its max, there are a lot of things to be stressed about.  The fact of the matter is, it is just too easy to become overwhelmed with the holidays. If you are the one that is hosting the holiday gathering, that stress grows even more.

Our goal is to help you lower that stress by keeping your budget more on track.   

Plan a Potluck

A potluck dinner is the way to go when you are talking about planning a big meal.  Simply ask your guests to bring their favorite side dish and that will lower your workload tremendously.  Most people are going to love this anyway since they want to contribute.  For those that aren’t big cooks, it’s easy (and inexpensive) to pick up a bag of chips or a bottle of wine or soda.

Don’t stress the decor

Seriously.  People aren’t stressed about how your home is decorated for Thanksgiving.  They want to visit you, not see your linen tablecloths or wreaths.  Make sure you house is clean enough for company and that’s about the extent of what is needed.  If you insist on decorating, just hit up the dollar store for inexpensive decorative pieces.

Shop Smart

Make sure to shop smart when you head out to buy food and supplies for your holiday meal.  Use coupons, load deals on your shopping apps, submit rebates when you can and make sure you take advantage of the grocery stores that offer free turkeys or hams with a purchase over $50 or $100 (or whatever the amount may be).  Don’t abandon your typically savings tricks just because it’s a holiday.  If anything, step up your game.  Shop early, shop around, research and plan!

What kind of budget do you set for your Thanksgiving gatherings?  Are you able to easily stick to that budget?  If yes, how do you do it?  Do you have any great tips or tricks that have helped you to save big on holiday meals and gatherings?  

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