February – The Month of Love

2012 has already begun ticking away and we find ourselves in the month of February. When I think of February images immediately come to mind of pink and red hearts, Valentines, flowers and candy. This is the month of the year that has been dedicated to celebrating love.

If you’ve been in any store lately your sure to have noticed this since before New Year’s. The large pink, red and white paper hearts swinging from the ceiling have been advertising that it is so. Boxes of Valentines, candies and everything that could possibly be made into a Valentine are on display begging to be traded for your hard earn dollar.

Many people celebrate their romantic love on February 14th, St. Valentines Day. This day is the popular day to set aside a time to express ones love for that special someone. Valentines Day has been celebrated since 496 A.D. Traditionally it is celebrated by the giving of candies, roses or greeting cards to express ones feelings for another.

I have never been a big fan of Valentines Day. What is it with Valentines Day anyways? It always feels like your “in” or your “out” on Valentines Day depending on your relationship status. All the hype and pressure to make the day so special just is exhausting to me. I’ll admit the big fan fare is romantic and exciting but to me it doesn’t mean as much as a simple and sincere “ I love you.”

So I propose that this month of love be dedicated to all things worth loving. Think about it for a minute. What do you love? What makes you smile? What are the simple things that bring you an everyday happiness? Little things everyday cause us to feel this emotion we call love and enjoying them causes it to increase.

For me it’s the simple everyday things in life that make me feel loved.The sunrise, a good book, a joke, my children’s laughter and my husband’s smile all make me feel this emotion we call love. So join with me this month as I try to focus on the everyday things that make this emotion of love feel so real.

When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.” Marcus Aurelius

Image: digitalart / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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