Fisher-Price Infant-to-Toddler Rocker in Floral Confetti Only $28.99 Shipped! (Reg. $40)

This is awesome! This Fisher-Price Infant-to-Toddler Rocker in Floral Confetti is Only $28.99! Shipped! (Reg. $45). It starts out as a sleek, modern infant seat or rocker— with a low profile frame that’s perfect for newborns. Add bat-at pals overhead to entertain. For soothing and naptime, switch on calming vibrations. Then, as your child grows, just remove the toy bar to convert it to a toddler rocker. (It’s easy-peasy!)

Don’t forget if, available in your area, you can opt to pick your purchase up in-store to avoid any shipping charges. Otherwise shipping is free when you spend $35 or more.

**Amazon also has this rocker marked down to the same price if you prefer to order from them.

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