Go Beyond the Supermarket – Find a Farmer

We are getting to the end of the season now but there are still great treasures to be found at your local farm and farmer’s market.
Last week I visited one a few miles from my home, Petersen Family farm. I found the produce to be high quality and the prices to be very competitive with the supermarket I passed to get there.
In my experience, the trick to finding good prices at a farmer’s market is to go to the ones that are very basic. Just wood and plastic crates and paper signs. Nothing fancy.

The ones that are “boutique-y” or too pretty seem to be paying for all that window dressing by charging higher prices.
There may be exceptions to this, but that has been my experience.
Also, farmers tend to help each other out. You can often find the products of one being sold at the market of another. For example, I was saved a half hour drive to purchase grass fed beef because it was offered for sale at the farm near me. And at prices that were again competitive with the grocery store prices.

They don’t have big advertising budgets, so you have to look around. Some advertise in small, local newspapers. Ask your neighbors if they know of any. It’s worth it! There’s nothing like walking up to a table full of local peaches that smell like…PEACHES!

And there’s something special about talking with the people who grow your food.
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