Goodbye Summer, Hello School

Diving into the first full week of school can feel like jumping into an icy lake. I’m trying help make the transition from summer to school as easy as possible for my children. It’s always a difficult transition for my boys, leaving the freedom of summer behind for the more regimented schedule of the school year. But I am determined that this year we will be successful altering our routine so it’s a pleasant experience for everyone.

Although this morning I was greeted with a few moans and bewildered looks as I reminded them that they needed to be catching the bus, they eventually rolled out of bed and made it to the bus stop. But who can really blame them? It is Monday.

After asking other moms what helps them and reading a few articles, I decided to put together a list of things we might consider as we send the kids back to school. Hopefully it will help you too.

Tips for Transitioning Back to School

1. Keep the first week of school as simple as possible. Limit extra activities, meetings and projects that everyone is involved in. Take the extra time to focus on your child’s experience and help them develop a routine they can follow through the school year.
2. Pack lunches the night before. Encourage older children to be involved in the process and have them help pack their lunches or do it on their own.
3. Eliminate the chaos of the morning by following a routine everyday. Have a set time that breakfast is served, plan a week menu for breakfast and encourage children to be ready in time to eat breakfast.
4. Plan outfits and lay clothing out the night before.
5. Have a specific homework time and place for children to complete their homework assignments. Make it a time when you can be available to your children. Kids that have supportive parents have been shown to have more successful school careers.
6. Read 20 minutes a day.

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