Holiday Treats Day 4: Celebrate The Holidays With Gourmet Popcorn

Popcorn just seems to go with the holidays. Images of garland popcorn strung on trees, colored popcorn balls and decorated popcorn tins come to mind. Walking through the stores as the holidays draw near you can easily find tins full of flavored popcorn. Specialty kiosk pop up all over malls and shopping centers offering a variety of tempting treats to purchase.

During the holidays as a child I remember going to the mall with my parents. One of our favorite shops to stop by was a Gourmet Popcorn store. I remember walking into the store as my eyes consumed the beautiful glass displays of the colorful, popped, flavored kernels. Pressing my finger tips against the glass I counted the individually, beautifully coated popped corn kernels. The sales associates were always quick to offer samples to taste test. As children my brothers and I always looked forward to this treat.

I came across this popcorn recipe and I thought Iā€™d give it a try. This is a super simple recipe and was a fun activity to do with my boys. It looks pretty, taste great and could easily be dressed up and given away as a neighbor gifts.

Holiday Popcorn Recipe


Pop the 1/2 a cup of popcorn into a large bowl.
Melt the white chocolate chips in a microwave safe bowl. Melt for 30 seconds at a time and stir occasionally until smooth.
Pour chocolate over popcorn and toss to coat.
Dump popcorn mixture on to a large cookie sheet and salt and add sprinkles to desired taste.
Store in a ziploc bag.

There you have your own homemade gourmet popcorn. šŸ™‚

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