Increasing The Life Of Your Computer


You know that thing that you’re reading this on right now? Yeah, your computer. That’s it! Well, odds are, it was a pretty expensive piece of machinery. In fact, most new computers will cost you at least $400 (for a good one) if not more. We even know a few people who have spent thousands of dollars on their computer. Either way, we want to help you make the most of your investment and ensure that it lasts for years to come. In fact, we think that your computer can easily last a decade if you the follow the helpful tips below. Ready to get started and see what tips we have in store for you? If so, scroll down and enjoy!


Proper Maintenance

The first tip we have for you is probably the most important. Make sure you keep all of your anti-virus software up to date and run disk defrag at least once a month. On top of that, you may even want to run disk cleanup (this is all assuming you use Windows). If you don’t know how to do this, a quick search on Google or Bing will get you started. Finally, make sure you install Windows updates and do upgrades when they become available.

Clean Your Computer

The second tip that we have for you is one that very few people actually do anymore. Buy a can of air duster (it shouldn’t cost more than $5 or $6 and will last a very long time) to use on your computer AT LEAST once a month. We recommend doing it once a week though. Think of all the dust that settles on a ceiling fan over time if it doesn’t get cleaned. Yeah, the same thing happens with a computer and it can drastically hurt it.

Keep It Cool

Finally, the last tip that we have for you is this. Think of your computer like an automobile. If it overheats, it’ll probably cut off or it may never work again. Don’t let that happen! If you have your computer upstairs, make sure the room is cool at all times. In the Winter, if you have the heat on full blast, get a little desk fan and keep it facing the tower of your cpu which is “the big part” and not the screen for those of you out there who aren’t as much of a geek as we are. Not only will this increase your computer’s life span but it will also ensure that your computer doesn’t bog down or get slower in the very near future.


But if you follow these tips, you should have no problem at all making your computer last a total of 10 or even 15 years. We’ve seen people, who bought their computer back in 98, make it last until a year or so ago. That’s not to say that the computer wasn’t completely obsolete but the point is, they got their money’s worth. We want you to do the same and know that these tips will help you do just that. Now, start implementing these tips!

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