The Influence of Drawing and Coloring on a Child’s Development

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The smile of a child drawing, coloring is something pure. Seeing the little one construct on paper something that our mind could never envisioned is astonishing, suprisingly pleasant, a break from our reality from time to time. Drawing and coloring are powerful tool in a parrents arsenal for numerous reasons yet the one thing that is always worth mentioning is that they have an immense influence in the development of the child, they can boost self-trust, cognitive, phsycall and emmotional development. The online envinronment presents numerous pictures to draw that can range from simple shapes and figurines in creative compositions to cartoon scenes with adorable petite animals as the main protagonists, all these gravitate around you and your child, ready to make a difference, ready to create an extraordinary bond, a delicate unforgettable memory.

Art has can be considered the backnone of civilazation thanks to its types of manifestation across centuries, having an immense influence on multiple levels. In the following rows we will highlight a couple of ways through which one child could benefit from art in its pure form : drawing, doodling, sketching.

Using and Recognizing Shapes

At only two-three years old child will be able to easy recognize primitive shapes, circles, squares and triangles. At the age of three the child would have had developed the skills to use these in simple compositions, being able to create what Kellog entitled “aggregates”, a formation in drawings composed out of primitve shapes.

The intent of aggregates represents the first and more pure intention of resembling the reality, the little one`s need to start create a connection with the our realm. One of the most common representations of this intent is the family photo that at a certain point any parrent proudly displayed on its fridge. This representation is based on simple lines for the individual`s body and a circle to represent the head; while the graphics are simplistic, the connection created in the child`s mind, the connection between the natural realm and the envisioned pictured that actually got materiallized on paper is utterly important. This process ought to be repeated if possible with multiple scenes, this is one of the key points in which encouragement and support is very important for the child.


Only 18 months are required for the todlers to start showing interest in scribbling. The simple process is at first one of the most adorable things to watch and as one parent learns that it helps with mucle coordination through finger and wrist movement things get even better. It is an exercise,a form of expression that will come naturally to the child, a practice that through time will emphasize the childs`s congitive skills and abilities as well as social interaction. He`ll start to connect the dots between shapes and colors and through the power of example the creative process of drawing can become highly educative.

As the one progress in the journey of scribbling moments of sheer joy will enlighten the creativity path making the journey as important as the destination. Full wrist control, the destination, will be reached sooner or later but the process ought to enjoyed trully to make the journey really succesfull, a signature line, a characteristic type of drawing and interest in certain drawing particularities will be highly positive side-effects.


Around the age of three-four the child starts to show interest in bringing a shread of the real world in their drawings. These elements are naturally filtered by their mind into simple concepts through the process, common elements in this stage are people, homes, trees, birds and the smiling sun. This association, this connection emphasized by simplicity is a common practive for the mature mind as well and its foundation in childhood is very important. We often simplify elements to fully grasp the bigger picture, we simplify the activities on our schedules, we simplify complex process as much as possible; the ability to fully comprehend and use this skill from a young age could have important benefits in one`s life.

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Depicting the reality

Around the age of 8 a concept entiled the concrete operational thought seeds in the child`s mind. This is the intention of representing things in a realistical manner in their drawings. At this point the realm of imagination intervenes only in the unknown as the known gains prespective, proportions and even materials. This translates into detailing, in lineweight and textures, in shading.

In the art marathon this too is a key point for the individual, in this stage the ones that find depicting the reallity difficult abandon the arstitc envinronment yet little to they know that there is so much more to art than realism. The pursuit should be greatly encouraged, the process can emphasize social interaction, creativity, confidence and in the long run autonomy and independence as art becomes a relevant key point in one`s life, one to which he can easily turn too.

A young artist is in every child and to encourage him surface a few things ought to be considered, cast a glance over the ideas below.

  • Critique is not allowed under any circumstances. Critique can discourage a mind easily and in the realm of creativity and imagination there is no place for it. If an element in the drawing raises question marks then by all means discuss it with the artist, make him share his vision on the artwork. In most scenarios the artist will gladly share the concept with the public.
  • Encouragement in every step. The art scene requires support at different levels yet in its most incipient forms, on the ones of growth, on the pure minds, support is key. Be supportive, be present.
  • Random artistic acts should be encouraged. Kids happily have no schedule, they`re unpredictable and adorably creative, they decide whenever they feel creative, in the mood. Be prepared for that random occurrence; be prepared for their drawing endeavors with a set of coloring pencils, with paper, everything they need.

The artistic endeavours ought to be enccouraged by all parties involved, they are to shape a very imporant part of humanity. Be part of it. Be creative.

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