Are No Iron Dress Shirts Worth It?

Dress ShirtNo iron shirts are something that I have talked about a lot with stay at home moms and frugal moms. As a stay at home mom, I don’t have much time. I’m on a very limited schedule, so no iron shirts sound like they could save me some time, because I won’t have to iron my husband’s dress shirt. However, I’m a frugal mom, as well, so I have to ask myself whether or not the no iron dress shirts are worth it. They will save me time, but they’re much more expensive than a regular dress shirt. Typically, they’re as much as $50 more than a regular dress shirt and that’s a huge difference. Below, I’m going to go over some pros and cons of no iron dress shirts to help you determine whether or not they’re worth it.

Pro: You’ll Save Time

A no iron shirt is going to save you a decent bit of time, because you obviously won’t have to iron it. Therefore, you definitely won’t have to slave over an ironing board. We’ve had wrinkle-free shirts in the past and as most of us know, you have to iron those regardless.

Pro: They’re Quality Shirts

If you do manage to find a wrinkle-free shirt that actually does work, you’ll probably hate the fact that they’re cheap looking. No iron shirts, such as the ones from Brooks Brothers, actually look very nice and crisp.

Pro: They Remain Wrinkle-Free and Crisp All Day Long

Another pro to these shirts is that they actually do remain wrinkle-free and crisp all day long. Having a nice, wrinkle-free dress shirt is important these days, because the whole shabby chic style is now outdated.

Pro: They Could Help You Make More Money

These shirts will help you maintain a good appearance all day long, as mentioned above, which will lead to more respect and that may lead to a promotion.

Pro: It May Save You Money

Now, I know that not everyone takes their clothes to the dry cleaner, but if you do, you would be able to save money by having a no iron shirt, because you wouldn’t have to take them to the dry cleaner to be ironed.

Con: The Price

A no iron shirt is going to cost you quite a bit more money than a regular dress shirt. Chances are, you’ll be able to pick up a nice dress shirt for around $20.00. A no iron shirt that actually works is going to cost you at least double that amount of money. If you want a Brooks Brothers shirt, which is one of the best, you could pay as much as $80.00 per shirt. That’s a lot of money to shell out for a shirt. However, you get what you pay for.

At the end of the day it’s up to you as to whether or not you should go with a no iron shirt. Just look over the pros and cons and make your decision based off of that. It basically comes down to money versus time.

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