More Target Deals!

Here are the details for a few more of the great deals available at Target this week! For all of the various deal possibilities, check out our Target thread HERE.

These are all deals that involve stacking a Target store coupon with an available manufacturer coupon.

Nature Valley granola bars, 4ct – Available in the Dollar Spot section, 1.00 ea
Use: 1.00/2 Target printable store coupon (HERE)
ALSO use ONE of the following: Nature Valley boxed Granola Bars or Nature Valley Granola Nut Clusters, any flavor/variety excluding Granola Thins .75/2 (4-30-11) SS-3/6 or (5-21-11) Mi0SS-3/27
Total: .25 for 2 boxes

Olay Regenerist facial cleanser, 5oz – 5.99 (regular price)
Use: Target STORE Coupon Olay pro-X or Regenerist skin care item $2/1 (5-15-11) SS-3/13
ALSO use ONE of the following: Olay Regenerist Facial Moisturizer or Facial Cleanser, excludes trial size $3/1 (4-30-11) RP-3/13 or (5-31-11) HoneyBakedRP-4/17
Total: .99

Aveeno ActiveNaturals items, various – 2.89-2.99 (regular prices)
Use: (2) 1.00/1 Target printable store coupon for Aveeno item (HERE)
ALSO use ONE of the following: Aveeno Active Naturals product, any excluding trial sizes $3/2 (5-15-11) Mi0SS-3/27 or (5-31-11) SafeKidsSS-4/17
Total: .88 for both
[Note that the store coupon says “Limit one coupon or offer per transaction.” When I went last night, the cashier said I was allowed to use two together in the same transaction without a problem, but this will probably vary by store, so please check with your location first to see if they will allow this.]

[As always, prices and availability of coupons will vary depending on location. Check your local store for specific details.]

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