My Activity Tracker Experience

For Christmas, Santa gave me a Jawbone Up activity tracker.  It seriously was just what I wanted.  I had been researching the different brands of activity trackers and this one looked like a good option for me.

When you are looking for an activity tracker I highly suggest that you compare the features of not only the different brands, but also the different models of activity trackers in each brand.  There are activity trackers that you wear on your wrist, that you clip onto your clothing, that you wear around your neck, and that attach to your shoes.  Some either come in different colors and sizes.

Most newer activity trackers have Bluetooth capabilities.  The one I got doesn’t have Bluetooth, but it’s not really that big of a deal to me.  I just plug it into the audio port on my iPhone a few times a day.

The Jawbone, along with other activity tracker models has an option where you can go into your phone app and log your food intake.  I like the food tracking option because it keeps track of how many calories I eat and how many I earn.  I know from my activity tracker app that I can have 1200 calories a day if I was to lay on the couch and do almost nothing.  But as I move my activity tracker app allots me more calories!

It is great to see how many steps I take each day.  I often have contests with my friends and even myself to get more steps each day.  I love this!  I really do find it motivating.  I have been know be short on my step goal for the day and so I will stand in one place at march at night to get more steps.

One thing that I don’t like about my activity tracker is that it isn’t waterproof.  I have to remove it several times each day to wash my hands and for the shower.  I frequently forget to put it back on after the shower and so I am short on my steps during that time.

Overall I have found my experience with my activity tracker to to be a good one.  It’s very motivating to me.  I have been wearing this for over months now and I think it’s something I will continue to use.


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