Organize Yourself at The Beginning of Every Month! Quick Tips to Keep You Organized!

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The beginning of the month is a great time to reset yourself and prepare you for the month ahead. It’s a great time to get organized, set your budget, set new goals and more. Here’s some great ideas for you to get organized at the beginning of every month!

First set yourself some new goals. We all know about new year resolution’s and goals but make some monthly realistic goals for yourself as well. I usually set my budget goals at the beginning of the month as well as eating habit. These are my two big ones. I also try to get family goals and things I want deep clean for the month.

Organize your phone and photos. Its a great time clear out your photos from your phone and organize them onto your computer. I take 100’s of photos through the month of my kids and it tends to take up a lot of memory. Even my iCloud has been filled, so I download all my pictures and videos at the beginning of the month to make sure I have enough storage and memory for the next months adventures.

Clean out your purse and diaper bag. My diaper bag is a throw in and go most of the time. From grabbing some snacks before we hit the park to getting a couple toys for the long drive to grandmas house! So cleaning it out each month gives it a fresh clean look and keeps my sanity together.

Along with the goals listed above make sure you figure out your deep cleaning. This time of year is the perfect time to get the windows cleaned, carpets shampooed etc. If you set a couple of deep cleaning chores on your calendar each month the task won’t seem so daunting.

Clean our the fridge. I love getting my fridge organized and cleaned out each month. I also go through the freezer to see what we have. This gives me a good idea of what meals to plan for the month ahead.

Meal plan. I know planning out a whole month might seem a little much but I love it. I’m able to look through the fridge, food storage and freezer to see exactly what should go on the menu and I’ve looked at the budget so I know what to plan for.

Lastly get those important dates on the calendar! From birthdays to get togethers with friends and family get them written down. That way you’re taking the time to nurture those relationships with your loved ones which is so important. Don’t forget though to set aside some you time this month. From date nights to a massage you need to take care of you!

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