Possible Financial Assistance for Bartenders and Some Servers During Coronavirus Shutdown

This virus is a pesky little bugger that’s really cramping our style these days! This is especially true if you work in the restaurant and bar industry. So many bartenders and servers and out of work right now, with state after state ordering bars and restaurants to put their stools up and shut their doors for two weeks or more. 

To help offset the financial hardships we have coming, the United States Bartenders Guild is offering possible grants to bartenders, spouses of bartenders, or children of bartenders. Several large companies, including Skrewball Whiskey and Jameson Irish Whiskey, are donating to the cause as well. 

So, if you know any bartenders or servers that are currently unemployed due to COVID-19, pass this info along! Or, if you’re in a position to help, please consider donating to the cause! 

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