School Keepsake Binder – Only $29.95!

School Keepsake Binder | Class Keeper®

I got one of these for each of my kids when they started kindergarten and it has made it so much easier to keep track of all the fun little details! Head over to Jane where you can get this School Keepsake Binder for only $29.95! (Reg. $49.95) This Class Keeper School Binder gives parents the ideal placeholder for EVERYTHING (even the oversized, 3-D, OMG-do-I-really-need-to-keep-this stuff!)  The CHALLENGE is for parents to resist the temptation to toss the influx of school keepsakes on the counter or dump it into a giant bin that is banished to the basement/garage for decades.   But rather, commemorate it quickly using the simple organizational system the Class Keeper provides!

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