Shoe Box Storage! Get Organized!

shoe box storage


I hate clutter. It is one of those things that can make me bonkers. If I open a drawer or cupboard and see piles of clutter, I get a bit cranky. I want things to be organized and easy to find. I hate digging through a drawer full of randomness to find batteries, scotch tape or a glue stick. I hate going into the cupboard for an extension cord and having to dig behind everything to find it. I need things to be organized. I’m not always great about organizing and cleaning out things but I am much happier when I do it.


Another thing I hate is spending money needlessly. I love spending money on fun things but hate spending it on things that really aren’t much fun. Storage containers fall into that “aren’t much fun” category. So how did I solve the problem with organizing clutter without spending a lot of money? Simple! I used shoe box storage. There are shoe boxes in lots of shapes and sizes. They are usually perfect to organize so many things. You can use them in drawers with the lids tucked underneath or in cupboard stacked with the lids on top. You can use them plain or cover them with paper. You can even make your shoe box storage containers cute and pretty if you want. Label the box so you know what is inside at first glance.
Here are just a few of the things I keep in my shoe box storage containers:



Kids Toys
There are so many little sets of toys with a crazy amount of little pieces. Store a set or two of like toys together in this great use for shoe box storage containers.


The pieces of games are pretty much just like the toys. So many little parts! So many games come in crazy packaging and does not fit back into the factory package. Use shoe box storage and put those messy games away.


Art Supplies
Art supplies are a staple of childhood fun but boy can they be messy! Crayons, glue sticks, markers, scissors, and more, it can make quite a mess. Gather them all together and put a shoe box storage container to good use.


Sewing Supplies
Many people have at least a few sewing supplies. If you aren’t a seamstress these sewing supplies tend to get scattered around the house and make a mess. Thread seems to get everywhere. Another great use for a shoe box storage container.


Kitchen Gadgets
I have a lot of kitchen gadgets with random parts and attachments. I hate it when I go to use a gadget and one small piece is missing. I end up digging in the cabinet to find it. No fun! Put gadgets and their parts in a shoe box storage container and you will be able to find it all.


Batteries and Mail Supplies
Both batteries and mail supplies tend to get lost in big junk drawers. I put all of these in one shoe box storage container and finding them is now easy.


Have more ideas for items that could be kept in show box storage containers? We’d love to hear about them!

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