Sonicare toothbrush refill heads for only $5 at participating Rite Aid stores!

 Check your local Rite Aid for this deal!

Sonicare toothbrush heads are on sale this week for $24.99 at Rite Aid. It also qualifies for the oral care rebate that lasts thru 9/25. So here is how you can get them for only $5:

Sonicare heads, two pack, $24.99
Crest toothpaste $2.49
(use as a filler to get total up to $25 for the coupon and the oral care rebate total)

-$5/$25 video values coupon
-Phillips Sonicare Brush Heads, any Multi Pack $5/1 (11-30-10) SS-8/1
-Crest Toothpaste, any 4 oz. or larger or liquid gel excluding Crest Cavity, Baking Soda, Tartar .75/1 (8-31-10) PG-8/1
Pay $16.73 OOP

Get a $1.50 +Up Reward from the toothpaste
Get a $10 Rite Aid gift card (the oral care rebate)

Final Price: $5.23 for the Sonicare heads and the toothpaste! This is a GREAT deal for Sonicare replacement heads.

*NOTE: You can use any oral care item listed that qualifies for the oral care rebate as a filler item if you don’t want to use the toothpaste. Note that the Crest is on sale this week with the +Up reward so next week there may be different filler items you could use.

DON’T FORGET to get a rain check this week for the Sonicare heads at their $24.99 price if they are no longer in stock. The oral care rebate goes through 9/25!

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