Stop sharing germs!

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Yesterday I talked about my stuffy nose and the not-at-all fun cold that I have right now. I hate this so much but what I hate even more is when it starts traveling through the rest of my family. Having sick kids is no fun, especially when you are sick yourself. When I see a couple other family members starting to sniffle and cough, I immediately start to think about what I need to do to stop sharing germs around here.


I’ll admit it; I am sort of a germ freak. I try super hard to keep from sharing germs I have and I expect others to do the same. I try to remember all of the things we are taught to do to keep my germs to myself. Sometimes you can’t keep a germ from spreading around your family, but often there are things that can be done to prevent or lessen the spread of germs. I’ve been trying to drill these into my family members this winter. I want them all to stop sharing germs – especially with me.


Wash hands
This tip is the first and biggest of the stop sharing germs rules. Hands transfer germs at a surprisingly high rate. Washing your hands drastically cuts the spread of illness and germs. Wash those hands often and with soap – something that my little boys seem to forget. Use hand sanitizer when it is hard to wash your hands or as another step in stop sharing germs process.


Cover coughs and sneezes
This tip is also super big when you are trying to stop sharing germs. Lots of us were probably taught to cover our cough and sneeze by coughing into our hands. But after reading the tip above, why would you want to add more germs to your hands? Cough and sneeze into your elbow when a tissue isn’t available.


Don’t share drinks or kisses
This can be a hard one when you have kids – they always want to share your drink or give you a kiss. It can be hard to turn that cute little person, or spouse, away but keep those kisses and drinks to yourself in order to stop sharing germs.


Disinfect surfaces
This is another big way to stop sharing germs because some germs can live on surfaces for a long time. Remember things like light switches, telephones, computer keyboards and other things everyone touches.


Toothbrush cleaning
Stop sharing germs with yourself too! Your toothbrush is a big culprit when it comes to do this. Disinfect it between uses when you are sick. Toss it when you are better. Don’t let your own germs make you sick all over again.


Wash bedding and pillows
Remember to wash your bedding, pillows and other linens that you use when you are sick. Don’t let sick people share linens with others. It may be temping so snuggle up in the same blanket but if you want to stop sharing germs, you need to stop sharing linens.


Isolate the germs
It can be hard to stay away from others when you are sick but you have to if you want to stop sharing germs. Resist the temptation to snuggle and kiss. Keep siblings as apart as you can. Try to avoid public places and social gathering so you can keep the germs from spreading.


These are just a few of the things I try to stop sharing germs with others. Have more tips? Share them with us! We love to hear from you.

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