Saving Money In The Bathroom


Yes, we know that this post has a pretty awkward title but let us explain. Every year, we hear about thousands of people that are spending outrageous amounts of money on stuff that either just gets flushed down the toilet, rubbed all over their teeth, or whatever. We think it’s time that this stopped and everyone started saving a little money in the most popular room in their home (next to the kitchen). Yes, we’re talking about the bathroom! Interested yet? Good! We thought that you would be. Now, let’s get started with the list.


Forget Name Brands

The first tip that we have for you is to forget about name brand products. You don’t have to entirely but who cares if your floss, q-tips, or things like that are name brand? We sure don’t and neither should you. A q-tip is a q-tip and floss is floss so stop over paying for it. We do understand though that not all tooth paste, mouth wash, and toilet paper is the same so we definitely won’t be asking you to make sacrifices in that department. Cool?

Re-Use What You Can

Great! We’re glad that you’re willing to make those changes. Now, what else can you do? Well, you can start by re-using what you can. No, you don’t have to re-use toilet paper or anything like that but why no re-use your towels? We know that you women out there like to use two towels (one for your body and one for your hair) but if they don’t get that wet, use them for an extra day. It’ll be less wear and tear on your towels, it’ll cut down on your water bill as you’ll have to wash towels less, and no one will ever even find out about it.

Buy In Bulk

Walk into any BJ’s or Price Club store and you’re bound to see some pretty awesome prices on stuff like tooth paste, mouthwash, shampoo, conditioner, and whatever else you’d find in the average bathroom. You may have to buy a lot of it but it isn’t like you won’t use it one day, right? Okay, so don’t be afraid to buy that giant bottle of conditioner or the 3 packs of mouthwash. It’ll save you money, it’ll get used, and you’ll have money to spend.


And that’s how you save money in the most important room in your house: the bathroom. Share this list with your friends, family, and anyone else that you know because we are very tired of seeing people like you (and us at one point in time) spend entirely too much money on products for their bathroom. Now, if you’re rich and don’t care about saving money, more power to you! If you’re like us though and like value, follow the tips found on this list and we swear on everything that you’ll notice a big improvement in your budget. After all, we experienced it first hand and it definitely worked. Now, go save some money!

Does Buying In Bulk Really Save You Money?

sams club store

We get a lot of questions about this and decided that it was time to address this issue. So, what question are we talking about? Well, although it’s in the title, we’ll mention it again. Does buying in bulk really save you money? The short answer is yes but we’ll go a bit more in depth for you. You see, buying in bulk at places like Sam’s Club or Costco is a great way to save money but it definitely isn’t for everyone. If you’re single or live on your own, you probably won’t save a ton of money shopping at these places. Why? Because it’s really not necessary to go out and spend a ton of money on items that will do nothing but take up space. There is an exception though. Anyone could benefit from buying bathroom stuff!


After all, you can never have too much toilet paper, body wash, shampoo, or tooth paste. If you’re a business owner or have a big family (or even just kids or a husband), you can most definitely benefit from shopping at places like Sam’s Club. You may only save a few dollars but as you probably already know, a few dollars can go a very, very, very long way.


This is especially true if you’re raising kids but again, that’s something you probably already know. Now, what about those of you that kind of fall into the middle? Should you shop at Sam’s Club or Costco or any other store like these? Well yeah, you still should. Here’s why.


Most places like this tend to have really good prices on stuff like televisions, surround sound, furniture, outdoor supplies, sporting goods, and even everyday essentials such as vitamins. In fact, we know a lot of people who exclusively shop at places like these even if it’s for something as simple as a DVD or a new pair of jeans. Walk into any Sam’s Club and you’ll see why. Outside of grocery items (and all kinds of other stuff) that come in bulk, they have some pretty darn good prices on almost anything that you could ever think of.


So, hopefully we’ve answered your question as to whether or not buying in bulk saves you any money. If you still have doubt, the best thing that we can recommend for you to do is to head into one of the stores that we’ve mentioned and see what you find. Compare prices and quantities to that of wherever you normally shop. Chances are, you’ll find that you like the difference. Well, at least we did! But we can’t speak for you or put words in your mouth. You’ll have to come to your own conclusion and as mentioned above, the only way to do this is to give one of these stores a shot. Either way, we’re pretty confident that you won’t regret it. If you do though, be sure to drop us a line and let us know why. It’s opinions like yours that keep us in the loop and besides that, we love hearing from you!

Doing Makeup On A Budget


Doing makeup on a budget is as much of an art as makeup itself. You see, almost every woman on the planet loves anything to do with makeup. In fact, more men are even getting into makeup whether it is for film, music, or just as an “out of the box” career. Thankfully, we put together a quick list of tips that will allow you to do makeup on a budget which means that you can do more of what you love and spend less of your hard earned money in the process. Ready to get started? Good! Because we are too! Let’s start.


Shop Accordingly

The first tip that we have for you when it comes to doing makeup on a budget is for you to shop accordingly. What we mean by this is that you should basically look for the best deals possible and make the most of it. Even if it means that you end up having to use a cheaper, lower quality makeup, you’ll only get better at what you do from it. If you can make magic with a cheap, low quality makeup then imagine what you could do with better makeup.

Take A Class

The next tip on our list is to take a class. We aren’t asking you to enroll in some expensive college that specializes in makeup but most any area has at least one class that you can take that won’t cost you an arm and a leg. If you have trouble finding a good class in your area, try asking some of your friends or searching via a quality search engine such as Google.

Practice With Groups

The third tip we have when it comes to doing makeup on a budget is to practice with groups of people. Put an ad out in your local newspaper or create a group on a social media platform such as Facebook to bring in new people. Working in a group will give you some very valuable feedback from others and you never know. You may learn something new.

Put In The Time

Finally, the last tip we have for you is this. Have you ever heard the phrase “practice makes perfect” or something similar? Well, that is 100% true. The more time that you put into something, the better you will get at it. Strive to practice for an hour or so per day and you’ll get the results that you’ve been looking for. Now, why wait? Go get started!


But before you go, there’s one more thing. Be sure to share this list with your friends and let your makeup buddies know that you’re looking to take your hobby or career a step further. It always helps to get others involved in your goals and you’ll be surprised to see how much more you can accomplish when you have the support of others. Now, for real this time, get out there and get started. We promise that you can definitely do it!

Where Can You Find More Coupons?


If you’re on this site right now then there’s already a strong chance that you’re a coupon freak (it’s nothing bad). We’re coupon freaks too! There’s nothing better than saving cash and having fun while you do it. Well, we’ve got some pretty good news for you. We’re going to teach you a couple of new cool ways to save money and where you can find even more coupons. We know that you probably already have a few good sources of coupons but we’re still going to give you a few places that you may have not thought to look. Enjoy!


Sales Papers

The first stop of many on this list is within your local sales paper. Here, you can find some really good coupons, discounts, and so much more. While younger generations may not pay much attention to their local sales papers, there’s a reason that this is the go to location of older generations when it comes to getting coupons, saving money, and doing it with ease!


You’re on our site right now, right? Okay, so why wouldn’t other sites be great spots to check for coupons and promotional codes. We’d like to think that you’ll only come to our site for savings but the fact of the matter is this. There are coupons that we miss that a different site may catch. By all means, do what’s best for you and use multiple sites!

Your Friends

Your friends are a great way of finding out about the latest, hottest deals on new and cool merchandise. See where they are doing their shopping, how much they are saving, and what they are doing to save money. From there, you just have to implement what they are doing into your own routine. Only then will you start to save some serious, serious money.

In The Store

Finally, we have one last place for you to look for coupons. Look in the actual store! Go down any grocery store aisle and you’ll see “Save $1” stickers on random merchandise as well as those little machines that literally spit out coupons. You’ll also pass a sales paper on the way in and that specific store may be running a cool promotion such as “Buy 1, Get 1.” The only way to find out though is to visit the store and see what they are all about.


If you follow this list of useful tips as to where you can find more coupons, we are very confident in saying that you will find more coupons and save money. These are all great sources of coupons as well as other money saving items we mentioned. Now, what are you still sitting here for? Get out there, get your hands on some good coupons, and save some of your hard earned money. You don’t even have to thank us. Why? Because we think you, like everyone else in the world, deserves a break and deserves to save some of your cash!

What Makes A Good Deal? Find out!


If you’re reading this right now then you probably love to save money and guess what. So do we! Saving money is what we’re all about here at Pinching Your Pennies so we thought that it was about time we throw something else together for our readers that just revolves around saving money and saving money only. Below, you will find some practical advice on how to spot a deal when you see one and what makes something a deal. All too often, we’re tempted to buy something just because it’s a deal. Let’s find out if that’s good.


Do You Need It?

The first thing that you have to ask yourself when it comes to figuring out whether or not something is a good deal is if you even need the product in question. It may be a good deal but if you’re not going to use it or it will never benefit you in any way, it’s probably not a good deal for you personally. It may be for someone else but remember, it’s not for you.

Is It A Gift?

Another possible scenario is the purpose of buying the product in question. If it’s a gift and it’ll be cheaper to buy it after the birthday, holiday, anniversary, or whatever the gift is, it’s probably not very beneficial to give the gift late. In that case, it isn’t a very good deal in the sense that you would have it too late. If this is the case, pay extra and miss out.

What’s The Shipping Time?

We’ll assume that you are buying this item online and it looks like a good deal. Let’s say that by buying it online from a specific site, you will save $10. What if it takes 5 days to get there and the shipping is $5? That means you’re only saving about $5 and you have to wait for 5 days to get the product. Is it still a good deal? How fast do you need it? This is just something else that you should ask yourself before you commit. When will you get it?

Will It Get Even Cheaper?

Finally, we have one more piece of advice for you on what makes a deal a good one. Is it a product that will potentially go on sale again? Is it something that they no longer make? Is the retailer in question going out of business? If something will be even cheaper in a few days, why not wait and buy it then? This is something else to take into consideration.


But at the end of the day, you have to trust your gut. Whether or not something is a good deal is just an opinion and we’ll leave it up to you to decide. We merely wanted to give you a few general questions that you should play around with before you make the final choice of buying the product and then being stuck with it. Now, let’s go save money!

4 Fiber Filled Cheap Foods


Most of us know how important fiber is to the human body and how beneficial it is to get a large amount of fiber daily. Well, okay, not a large amount of fiber but it is important to eat fiber rich foods. We’ve already did all the work for you though and put together a little list of fiber rich foods that won’t cost you a fortune. This means that you can stay healthy, save money, and eat some pretty delicious foods that are actually good for you.


Now, let’s start!



Oatmeal is packed with fiber and it’s pretty cheap to buy. We recommend trying plain rolled oats in water and if you can’t handle the taste, make it in milk. You can also add fresh fruit (and a sprinkle of sugar) to your oatmeal to spruce up the taste a bit. Regardless of how you eat your oatmeal, one thing is for certain, you’ll be getting plenty of fiber!


Yes, pears actually have a good bit of fiber in them which is very surprising for a fruit. They’re affordable, they taste great, and you can literally get by just having a pear a day. Yeah, this is definitely for those of you out there that don’t care much for oatmeal and would rather eat a delicious pear. Swing by your local grocery stores or fruit farm today!


Beans are a timeless classic and everyone knows that they are jam packed full of fiber. They might even have a little too much fiber but that’s besides the point. Buy them by the can for easy preparation or buy actual beans in a bag and fix them yourself. Either way, you will definitely get your daily fix of fiber and enjoy a great food at the same exact time.


Yeah, we bet you didn’t expect to see this on the list in a million years. Most people don’t know that pumpkins have a ton of fiber and come in at around 13 grams of fiber per half cup. That’s a lot of fiber and about 8 grams more than the average person needs in a day. You’ll probably have to catch these in the Fall (unless they’re canned) but it’s worth it!


Anyways, these are just 4 Fiber Filled Cheap Foods that we think you should consider adding to your grocery list. There are still other great foods out there that aren’t too expensive and are high in fiber. Some of those foods are Almonds, Raisins, Wheat Bread, and Peanuts. Those are some pretty common foods, huh? Of course, so why not do them?


You know, try to get more fiber in your diet and don’t spend a ton of money while doing it. Your digestive system as well as your entire body will thank you. We 100% promise!



Good Habits That’ll Save You Money

cash money

Taking a look at the material below, you’ll quickly realize one thing. This post is packed full of informative and valuable habits that you can get used to that will save you money. How do we know these work? Because if you find most any person in the world that has a good bit of money saved or is at least financially stable, you’ll see that they also have these habits as well. So, if that sounds like something you’d be interested in learning, read on!


Avoid Eating Out Too Much

This one may not seem like it would make a huge difference in your life but you could literally save thousands of dollars a year if you were to cut out fast food and going out to busy food establishments. We’re not going to ask you to do that. As long as you just cut it in half or even do it 25% less than you do now, you’ll come out on top. So, consider trying it.

Don’t Just Go For A Ride

Again, this is one of those things that you can still do from time to time but you should be able to cut down on it drastically. This especially applies to young people from a younger generation that like to go out and ride around with all of their friends. Sure, it’s fun from time to time but with gas prices going up (and not stopping), you could save serious cash.

Live Within Your Means

Okay, this piece of advice is pretty saturated but it’s true. If you don’t live your life quite as well as you could (a used car instead of new for example), you can save a lot of money which in return will make up for it by making your life more comfortable. Sure, you can splurge from time to time and have a steak with shrimp but you don’t have to do it all the time. Either way, don’t cut it out completely or you’ll lose motivation to strive for more.


Some people don’t use coupons just because. Don’t be one of those people. Take a hour out of your Sunday to cut out some coupons or stock up on some items instead of buying them one at a time. You can usually get great deals on stuff if bought in bulk or with coupons. There is absolutely no shame in using coupons, saving money, and getting a good deal. So don’t even worry about it. As people like to say now, “You do you and only you.”


On a more serious note though, these habits are good habits that’ll save you money. Most people that have money or are capable of saving generous portions of money, also have these habits. Now, what are you waiting for? Go start working these into your life and you’ll be able to experience the benefits of doing so as soon as yesterday. Enjoy them!


4 Places To Get Cheap Groceries


Getting cheap groceries is something that we like to cover pretty often here on the site and there’s a reason for that. You probably go to the grocery store at least 2 or 3 time a month, right? So, why wouldn’t we continue to give you endless resources as to how you can cut down on your grocery bill. It only makes sense! Anyways, if you scroll down, you’ll find a few places that you can do part of your grocery shopping that will save you money.


These are also places that you would never expect could help stock your kitchen for cheap!


Big Lots

We know that Big Lots typically has some very good deals on items like decorations, electronics, and furniture but most people don’t know that they can save money on groceries over at Big Lots. Sure, you aren’t going to walk in their and fulfill your list to the max but you can get good deals on seasonings, chips, spices, canned foods, and drinks.

Dollar Tree

You either have one of these stores in your area (everything is a dollar) or something similar. If you typically buy stuff like candy or canned foods, you can save a lot of money by buying it from here. We’ve seen canned food go as low as 50 or 60 cents a can in our local Dollar Tree. That’s basically like getting a can for free in comparison to Walmart prices.

Save A Lot

Okay, so a lot of people are sketchy about buying meat from Save A Lot. We can definitely see why but canned food is canned food. Bread is bread. And so on! Consider swinging by here once in a blue moon and stocking up on some odds and ends at a very good price.

Sam’s Club

We use Sam’s Club specifically as the last store because they are all over the country but in some areas, you may have a Costco, BJ’s, or some other wholesale store. Either way, you can walk in, buy in bulk, and save a ton of money. The only bad thing about this though is the fact that you pretty much have to be willing to give up your variety and eat a lot of the same thing. Why? Well, stuff like 12 packs of Hot Pockets only come in one flavor per box. So, in other words, can you handle eating 12 Pepperoni Hot Pockets? Maybe you can.


But anyways, one thing is for certain. If you do your primary grocery shopping and then let one of these places fill your odds and ends, you’re going to save money. It could be $5 or it could be $100. That part is entirely up to you as it really depends on how much you’re going to buy. Either way, we like all these stores for different reasons and think that you would benefit greatly if you consider using these resources. Now, what are you waiting for? Get out there, pinch those pennies, and put some extra money back into your pockets!



Practical Ways To Save Money on Travel

greyhound bus

With gas prices going up and people take more vacations now than they ever have, a lot of people are in a grey area when it comes to make ends meet. With these practical ways to save money when it comes to going cross country or even just cross state, you’ll be able to put a little extra money in your pocket or simply be able to have a better trip. Take a look at the helpful tips below and see how much money they save you on your very next trip!


Car Pool

Everyone lives in an area where specific vacations are popular. For example, if you live in Georgia, Florida may be a popular travel destination. Find out if your neighbors, friends, or even co-workers are planning a vacation or trip similar to yours. Plan yours at the same time and car pool with them. Once you get there, you can always go your separate ways.

Take A Bus

Instead of flying to your next destination, why not consider taking a bus? Greyhound bus tickets typically cost $200 to $300 less each way than a last minute plane ticket. Sure, you’ll have to sit on a bus for a longer period of time than you would be flying but with the money you would save, it may be worth it but that’s entirely up to you to decide upon.

Reschedule Your Trip

This one may be a little inconvenient but it could be the difference in spending a penny or spending a dime. Most people that travel on a regular basis know that it’s a lot cheaper to travel during certain times of the year. For example, it’s nearly twice as much to fly to Las Vegas during the summer months versus going during the Winter or Fall. It also has an added benefit as typically, vacation or hot travel spots are less crowded in the off season.

Open A Savings Account

Last but not least, you always have the option of opening a savings account. You probably already have one which is fine but in that case, you can open a second one. Save your vacation or trip up to a year in advance, build a little interest, and know that you’ll be good to go when it comes time to take your trip. You won’t save a ton of money this way but you will at least have the peace of mind knowing that next to nothing can cancel it.


So, to recap, all that you need to do is consider doing a car pool, opening a new or second savings account, taking a bus instead of plane, or rescheduling your trip during off months. If you try at least one of these methods, we’re confident that you’ll save enough money to make you turn this into a habit. And we all know that there are bad habits as well as good habits. Saving money and having the time of your life is definitely a very good habit.


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