These days, people are reading not only regular books, but are also interested in the electronic variety that they can get on their tablets, phones, e-readers, etc… However, just like regular books, the electronic variety can be just as expensive, but there are ways to get those electronic books you want for a fraction of the cost or even for free!
For people who buy the Nook, the Kindle, or any other reader, there are discussion boards where people can talk about what it is like to own their tablets, any problems they may be having, solutions to problems, and also free books. People can talk with other tablet owners, and also have access to free books they can download, which is going to save them a lot of money.
There are some websites that offer a list of free books that people can download. Even some of the bigger named companies like Amazon offer some books for free, but they are often not published on a list and have to be searched for. With a little time and effort, people can find all kinds of different types of books for free.
Some websites are available that can offer free electronic books for the simple reason that their copyright expired, and the books are now considered public domain. With these websites, people can search different categories, and there is no limit on how many books they can download.
People would think that libraries would be threatened with the idea of a book being available to download instead of checking it out of the building, but now libraries are offering books that people can download for free. Also, there are many libraries available on the Internet, and they too can offer people free e-books if they sign up with the website. Though registering can be a pain, registering means access to thousands of books from anywhere around the world, which can mean an incredible variety of books available to read any time.
The Nook is made by Barnes and Nobles, and the Kindle is made by Amazon, and both of these do allow for people to borrow their books for a small period of time. The typical lending time for a book is one to two weeks, which is about how long someone can take to read a book. At the end of the two week period, people can check the book out again if they have not finished it or decide to try another.
The e-books that are available for IPad, Nooks, and the Kindle tablets are all a special file type, but there are ways around that because now people are able to get a book they want in a PDF file that can easily be opened with any number of free apps.
I’ve been a long time reader, but I was a little bit skeptical about the Kindle. I just liked the way a real book felt in my hand and the smell of freshly printed pages. I didn’t plan on getting a Kindle, but I decided that it would just be a more practical option. It’s much easier to take around with me whenever I take the kids to the park and I’m able to store a whole library of books on the device, so I never run out of reading material.
One thing I never knew about the Kindle was that you could get your hands on a ton of free books. Had I known this, I would have purchased a Kindle a long time ago. If you want to get free Kindle books, you can scroll down and look over some tips I’m going to hook you up with.
Doing a simple search for “Free Kindle Books” on Amazon will yield a ton of results. Do it now and you’ll easily be able to find over 20,000 results. If you find a book you really want, you should download it immediately. It can be tempting to open multiple tabs with books you want and just continue searching, but Amazon changes their prices on books a lot, so a book that’s free one hour could have a price attached to it the next hour.
I’ve talked a lot about Amazon Prime and whether or not it’s a great deal. One of the perks of being an Amazon Prime member is that every single month Prime members are able to download a pre-release of a book completely free. Also, Prime members will gain access to the Kindle Lending Library, which enables Prime members to “borrow” a book from the library for free per month.
This may sound crazy, because you typically think of libraries as a place to get your hands on physical copies of books, but most libraries actually have ebooks now. If you want to borrow a book for your Kindle, you can typically access your library’s selection of digital books by going to their official website.
Some Kindle books come with the ability to share the book with one other friend. Ask your friends if they have any Kindle books that they can share with you. I would suggest returning the favor, as well.
There are plenty of websites out there that will allow you to trade books with people around the world. Basically, you’ll list the books you’re able to lend and you can find books you want to read that other people have. You each pick a book from your list of books and share with each other. It’s just like lending a book from a friend, but you’ll have a much larger selection of books that you can choose from.