Thanksgiving is quickly approaching. As daily we creep closer to the holiday my mind has started to churn with ideas for our annual family feast. Which foods to serve, how to decorate and who will be on the guest list are just a few of the things that have been running through my head. Each year it seems that we add someone new to the table. No longer does our guest list only include family. It has now grown to include dear friends and neighbors.
With the days leading up to the big day we will spend time making important decisions in order to fit everyone in the house. Time will be spent deciding where to set up tables, how many chairs we can fit around them, and where to place the kids. This alone has become almost as detailed as a battle strategy with our ever growing list of loved ones that will crowd into the house in order to share this day.
One thing I never want is for our guest to feel uncomfortable. Every year it seems someone does not feel comfortable enough to sit down at the table with out asking, “Where do you want me to sit?” With such a large party we usually serve our food buffet style. Everyone seems to go through the line filling their plates with the traditional favorite foods and then comes the awkward scenario of our guest standing with plate in hand not sure where to sit. Maybe I’m a bit to casual because my first thought is for everyone to just grab a seat and we usually end up facilitating seating as everyone comes off the line. This year I am determined it will be different. We are going to use place cards.
Using place cards can be a great way to make sure that everyone has a seat and this way your guest know where they can sit and feel comfortable doing so. This eliminates the uncomfortable plate in hand scenario and gives direction to your guest.
There are not may guidelines for using place cards but there are a couple. It is appropriate to use place cards when there are more than 4 guest at a dinner party. Place cards lend to a more formal setting, which I think could qualify any special event where a meal will be served.
With the decision of using place cards comes another decision yet to be made for the big day. What to use? Should I be crafty? Do I have the time? Or is it easier to print off a free place setting and personalize it. All over the internet are great ideas for place card settings. Now I just have to choose one that works for me.
If your thinking about place cards for your dinner table and just don’t have the time to be crafty, check out a few of these free printable place cards available online.
Free Printable Templates Online
Acorn Place Card
Martha Stewart Turkey Place Card
Cute Thanksgiving Place Cards
Modern Folk Themed Card
Vintage Place Card
Elegant Card
For those of you wanting something a little more crafty check out these place setting ideas.