Tips For November Bulb Planting

As I left Wal Mart the other day I notice they have a variety of bulbs for sale still. They caught my eye because I have a weakness for all things that bloom. I have to admit I was tempted to make a purchase. But trying to be conscious of my budget and not wanting to regret my purchase, I decided to wait and do some research before I came home with a bag full of bulbs.

When I got home my curiosity had gotten the best of me and I had to find out if it was still possible to plant spring bulbs this late in the year. With a little bit of research I found out it is still possible to plant bulbs but only because we have had such a warm fall. As long as the frost hasn’t penetrated the ground too deep it’s safe to plant these spring beauties. Here are a few tips for planting bulbs before the cold settles in.

Bulb Planting Tips

1. Dig holes as deep as indicated on the package. This is usually between 3 to 7 inches deep.
2. Mix the soil with peat moss and compost when preparing to place the bulb.
3. Add a small amount of slow release fertilizer.
4. Place bulbs with the point facing upward.
5. For better display, plant the bulbs in clusters and not in a single line.
6. Plant bulbs in containers for a Spring surprise. Wood, plastic and fiberglass are great options.

Image courtesy of [Tom Curtis] /

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