Best Cheap TV Brands


You’re either reading this right now because you’re in the market for a new TV or you’re planning on getting your very first HD TV. Either way, we’re going to run down the list and give you what we think are the Best Cheap TV Brands. Now, keep one thing in mind. There are better TVs out there than what you see on this list but we are all about saving money so that’s exactly how we formulated this list. We took the best TVs and the best prices and put them together in this list. Ready to take a look? If so, scroll down and we’ll start!



The first TV brand on our list is Sanyo. It’s a brand that people often overlook but we aren’t quite sure why. If you check them out in stores, the picture quality is comparable to that of more expensive TV brands and of course, they are a lot cheaper. Grab yourself a 42 inch Sanyo LCD TV today for under $400. It doesn’t get much better than that, does it? Nope!


While this TV brand isn’t the cheapest one on the list, they are still very affordable and come with an amazing warranty. On top of that, Vizio offers the best customer service on the planet and their TVs aren’t expensive at all. If you want a TV that is affordable, has good picture quality, and you can find anywhere, Vizio may be the way for you to go.


While we don’t know a lot about this TV brand yet, we’ve seen them in stores and they look like they have some pretty decent picture quality. Best of all, they appear to be one of the cheapest TVs you can buy especially if you’re looking for a larger TV in the 50 inch range. Swing by your local Walmart or wherever you can find one of these at and check them out. If you do end up getting one, be sure to let us know how they are so we know.


Again, this is another TV brand that we don’t know a lot about but we see a lot of them and they don’t look half bad from what we’ve seen on store shelves. Swing by your local retail store and compare the quality of an Emerson TV to that of something more expensive such as a Samsung TV. If it looks good and has any type of warranty, give it a shot! You have nothing to lose and you’ll save money, get a quality TV, and have endless fun.


So, the next time you are in the market for a new TV, try one of the TV brands listed above. It’ll not only save you money but you won’t have to sacrifice on quality either. After all, it’s all about quality over quantity and we’d rather have a cheap TV that looks okay than an expensive TV that looks great. Whether you agree or not is up to you but we hope you’ll take the time to check out these TV brands and see if they are right for you.

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