7 Tips to Stop Wasting So Much Food

wasting foodBeing a frugal person I hate to see any food being thrown away. Throwing away food is like throwing money directly into the trash can. Also, it’s a shame, but most Americans throw away 30% of their groceries they buy every single month. Now, that’s a pretty big number when it comes to waste. So, am I saying that you should continue stuffing yourself even after you’re full? No, I’m not saying that at all, because that’s not good for you. However, I am going to give you some tips on how you can stop wasting so much food.

#1. Make a List

I always preach that you should have a grocery list to stick by for many reasons. Grocery lists will save you money and time. You’ll be able to get exactly what you need and you’ll know exactly what you need. That way, you’re in and out of the grocery store as quickly as possible and you save money. Try to avoid making impulse purchases on things that aren’t on your list, because you don’t need these things. This could lead to overspending and food waste.

#2. Buy What You’ll Use

I know a lot of people that will buy things in bulk and a lot of what they end up buying will get tossed in the trash. If you have a recipe that calls for a couple potatoes, you shouldn’t buy a whole bag. Instead, just get what you need and be done with it.

#3. Make Realistic Purchases

Do you live by yourself; if so, do you really need that whole bag of apples that would be able to feed a whole family of six; probably not, unless you’re an apple-eating machine. Therefore, you should just buy enough apples that you’ll be able to eat on your own.

#4. Get Creative

Did you plan on hosting a dinner party, but you ended up having to cancel the party for whatever reason? If so, you shouldn’t throw out that fancy schmancy cheese you bought. Instead, come up with a recipe that incorporates the ingredients you purchased for the dinner.

#5. Rearrange Your Fridge on Grocery Day

When you get home from the grocery store after going shopping and you’re about to stock the fridge, you should remember to put the older items in the front and put the new items in the back. That way, you’ll use up the older items first, so they don’t end up expiring.

#6. Take Note of Items You Throw Away

It’s important that you make a list of the items you throw out every week and go over the list frequently, so you know what you’re throwing out. For instance, are you throwing out half a gallon of milk every single week? If so, you may want to consider buying milk by the quart, instead of the gallon.

#7. Enjoy Leftovers

We have leftovers all the time and they make great snacks if you’re wondering what you should have between lunch and dinner. Also, some nights, I’ll take all of our leftovers, put them on the table and our family will have a feast. This saves money, eliminates food waste and I don’t have to cook a meal for the day. In other words, it’s a win-win situation for me.

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