Take healthy snacks on the go!

healthy snacks on the go


Are you still hanging on to some of your New Year’s resolutions? I hope so! If we stick with them now, we’ve almost made them a habit. I keep reminding myself about that and I hope a couple of mine are easier and become habit soon! One of my New Year’s resolutions is to eat healthier all the time, not just when it is easy. As a busy mom with four kids that is harder than it seems. It seems we are always running from one thing to another. There are days when finding healthy snacks on the go seems like an impossible task.


My four kids always seem to need to go someplace or be somewhere. Times are crazy and sometimes I get hungry on the go. Some days it even seems impossible to stop home and grab a healthy lunch. I’m determined to try to keep a few healthy snacks ready for times like those when I need to keep to my New Year’s resolution of eating healthier.


Ice Water
I know this one may seem like a no brainer but not all of us always think about it. I have started to try to take a water bottle filled with ice water when I go out to do errands or run around town. This keeps me from grabbing a diet soda at the checkout counter and keeps me going and hydrated. I wish I’d thought of this tip earlier, water isn’t really one of my healthy snacks on the go but I think it goes hand in hand with them.


I think nuts are super great healthy snacks on the go. They travel well because they don’t need to be kept cool and you don’t need utensils to eat them. Super easy! A quick handful of nuts will usually curb hunger and give me some good energy.


At first this sounds like a strange thing to think of as a portable snack but it is really another of my favorite healthy snacks on the go. String cheese and wrapped wax covered cheese seems to be super easy to toss in my bag. I’ve even grabbed a slice or two of other cheeses and put them in a plastic baggie to take with me. It works great.

Power Bars
These healthy snacks on the go can be expensive and they aren’t always as healthy as they appear but if you shop carefully they can be good choices. Watch out for bars that are loaded with sugar or other hidden unhealthy things.


Veggie slices make great healthy snacks on the go. Carrots and celery are always a good idea. Peppers, broccoli, cauliflower, even pickles can be put into plastic baggies or containers and taken on the go. They are yummy and a great way to get all of your veggie servings in your day.


I love yogurt so taking it with me on the go is a great idea. I like to take a yogurt with me when I know my errands will keep me on the go at lunch time. If I put a yogurt with another of my favorite healthy snacks on the go, I have a great lunch on the go. Yum!


These are just a few of the healthy snacks on the go I like to take with me. Have more idea? Share them with us – we love to hear from you!

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