Top 10 Favorite Halloween Candies

As a child I remember bringing home a pillow case full of goodies that I gathered from the neighborhood on Halloween. After my parents sifted though my loot and gave their stamp of approval my work began. Beginning to sort through the candy, I placed my treats in categories, digging for my favorites first. Reese’s and Snickers were always on the top of my list. They must have been on my mother’s too because I vividly remember her digging through my candy for the same favorite candies. Now that I think about it I’m pretty sure she was establishing a tradition that I need to carry on as well. Tonight I will sift through my children’s candy and ask to share in the sweetness too!

My children love to trick or treat and are always excited about the treats they gather. When you send your kids out what do you hope they come home with? Halloween Candy polls that ask , “What’s your favorite Halloween Candy,” all come to the conclusion the Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups are the most popular Halloween candy among trick or treaters in 2012. Candy Corn hit the bottom of the list as the least favorite Halloween candy.

Here is a list of the top 10 Favorite Halloween Candy

1.Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups
2.Hershey’s Chocolate Bars
3.Milky Ways
4.Kit Kat

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