What To Do With Used Toys


So, you have a big pile of toys such as the one found in the picture above and you aren’t quite sure what to do with them. What in the world could you possibly do with dozens of used toys? Well, we have an answer for you. In fact, we have a few different answers. You see, there are a lot of things that you can do with used toys. Unfortunately, we can’t go over every single one of them but we will cover the best. Ready to get started? Great!


Donate Them

The first thing that comes to mind when it comes to used toys is to donate them. There are millions of children out there that would absolutely love to get their little hands on your used toys. Make someone’s birthday, Christmas, or day in general, better this year with the donation of your used toys. Unless you need the money, you should definitely donate them!

Sell Them

If you do need the money though, consider selling your used toys. There’s a huge market for toys and there are tons of collectors out there that will pay top dollar for certain toys. If you have anything that is unopened, Star Wars related, Star Trek related, or even related to wrestling, you may have something of value. Toys are kind of hit or miss value wise but that shouldn’t scare you away. Take yours to an expert today to see what they’re worth.

Keep Them

Obviously, one of your choices is to keep them. If you just can’t part with your used toys, get some boxes together and store them somewhere. If you don’t have a safe place to put them and feel like they have some value to them, consider renting a storage unit. They usually aren’t expensive and will ensure that your used toys have a safe place to stay.

Display Them

Finally, the last piece of advice that we have for you is to display your toys. This could be in an art museum, a toy museum, or just around your home. If you do decide to display them around the home, donate what you don’t have room for (or sell them) and display the rest. People that come over to visit will appreciate your toys and we know you will.


So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to get out there and get something done with those excess toys of yours. You can sell them, donate them, display them, or put them in storage. Either way, we’re sure that you will find good use out of your toys and should have no trouble at all doing with them whatever it is that you please. Now, enjoy your used toys!

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