What Are 5 Mistakes New Managers Tend To Make?

There is always a learning curve when you take on a new position. Even the top financial recruiting firms find that it takes time for freshly hired managers to adjust to their new duties. Here are some common mistakes to try to avoid.

1. Taking on Too Much, Too Soon

You want to show yourself to be competent and capable to the higher-ups, but if you take on more responsibility than you can handle, you’ll be demonstrating just the opposite, while simultaneously burning yourself out. Be judicious in the projects that you choose.

2. Not Delegating Responsibility

On a related note, don’t forget that you’re the leader of a team, and every team member needs something to do. Spread the responsibility around rather than trying to do everything yourself.

3. Helicopter Managing

On the other end of the spectrum, no one likes a boss who micromanages them. Support your team, check up on them, make yourself available to address any questions or concerns that they have, but don’t hover over their shoulder telling them what to do.

4. Not Asking Enough Questions

No matter how well trained you may be, no matter what you do to try to prepare, even if you’ve worked with the best finance staffing agencies in Los Angeles, circumstances will always arise that you have not anticipated and don’t know how to handle. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. It doesn’t show that you’re ill qualified; rather, it shows that you’re savvy enough to know when you’re out of your depth.

5. Treating Everyone the Same

“Same” and “equal” are two entirely different concepts, and treating your employees equally doesn’t mean that you treat them the same. Take your cues from your employees and learn how to manage each one individually. Some employees may regard personal questions as an invasion of privacy, while others may be hurt if you don’t take an interest in what they’ve done over the weekend.

You’re not alone in making new mistakes as a manager; it’s just a part of the process. Putting together the best team can help things go more smoothly. Let Beacon Resources help by calling 1-844-500-8100.

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