Common Questions regarding Frugal Living


frugal living

Common Questions regarding Frugal Living
We may have stumbled many times upon this word: frugality. It is hard to explain such a word; it’s more like a concept and it has plenty to do with how we handle our financial resources. But frugality doesn’t limit to just that.

Frugal living has to do with saving money, being practical, handling time better and whatnot. It’s definitely a challenge; leading such a life can be tricky at times because you have to use your mental resources and come up with different backup plans and solutions to get what you want. Being intellectually stimulated while handling a business or your savings can help you make better decisions in the future. Let’s go ahead and see which are the most common questions regarding frugal living.


What is Frugal Living?

If you are at the beginning of your frugal journey, the first question that often pops in your mind is “what is frugal living?” Although the answer isn’t simple, you can have a better picture of what frugal living really means. The frugal mindset is basically a practical mindset. Frugal living encapsulates financial, material goals or goals regarding time saving ideas.

How many cool things do you have to sacrifice to lead a frugal lifestyle?

A lot of people won’t give frugal living a chance because they think it’s all about sacrifices and compromises. You should use a different approach for this part. Instead of asking this question, try to imagine how things are going to be in the long run. You might tone down your shopping sprees, you might end up using a bike instead of a car to go to different places but it’s all for a good cause.

How is Frugal Living Going to Help Me?

Frugal living is all about time and money management; you’ll learn how to be more practical and prudent with your finances and time. This will help you anytime, anywhere, because you’ll enjoy plenty of things that you like since you will be saving more money and have more time at your disposal to do the things that you love.

Is It a Lifetime Thing?

You can quit leading a frugal life anytime you feel like it. Even before you achieved your goals if you feel that frugal living is not for you. But a lot of people have grown so fond of this kind of living that they carry on leading such a life even long after they accomplished what they wanted to.

Will It Impact my Health?

Frugal living will never be about putting your health in danger. On the contrary; you’ll learn to have a healthy diet that’s rich in all the vitamins and proteins that you need. You will, however, learn to cut down on snacks, sweets and junk food.

Is Frugal Living Compatible with my Psychological Issues?

We all experience anxiety or depressive moods at one point in our lives. We all feel that we lost control of something. We fear that frugal living may exaggerate some of our psychological issues, but the truth is that this kind of lifestyle has a positive impact over our mental health. It will keep our minds busy, we will feel useful that we have a goal in mind, we will start being more organized and determined to do things right. We will end up having fewer anxiety episodes and we will feel that we are in control of the situation.




Frugal Living and Weight Loss

Weight Loss


Frugal Living and Weight Loss

This association might sound a bit weird at first, but it’s a sort of a cause and effect relationship. Frugal living doesn’t have to necessarily mean having a lifestyle based on compromise. Frugal living can equal healthy living.

This is where things get really interesting. After you get used with a new concept, a new kind of approach when it comes to decision making and when you change the diet and go for healthy meals you start feeling better, psychologically and physically speaking. You will also lose some pounds and start being more active than usual.


Home Cooked Meals

Nothing beats home cooked meals. They’re more affordable than the junk food or snacks that we eat out of commodity and they are way healthier. It may take a little more time from your part to do the cooking, but it’s worth it and after you find some cool recipes that you’ll constantly use, you’ll cook faster without having to read the recipes again because you already know them by heart.

Leaving the Car Behind

Since you want to save some extra money, you won’t be using the car so much. You’ll walk to the nearest shop, you’ll use public transport to arrive at your destination and all this hustle will definitely help you get rid of some undesired pounds without even trying too hard.

Drinking Smoothies

Smoothies, natural juices and teas will certainly boost your metabolism and you’ll detox your body, too. You will feel a change, a positive change in time. You’ll feel more active, more happy with yourself and preparing your own non-alcoholic drinks has plenty of advantages; you can buy any fruits that you want, mix them and enjoy their natural taste. They also cost less than fizzy drinks that are bad for your stomach and teeth.

It Involves the Entire Family

Your family will experience the same changes. You’re in this together; you can think of drinks and dishes that you all love and try to vary the main courses a bit. A fit family is a happy family. And you can spend some quality time together. You can go on a hike or on a trip because you have saved enough money to go on a holiday or explore new places without having to feel guilty about spending more cash than you can afford. All of these beautiful things are possible thanks to frugal living. It’s no wonder why more and more people are interested about this concept.

The Food You Eat at Work

It’s very important to pay attention to the food you eat at work. Why not get some Tupperware and eat a home cooked meal at work? You’ll be saving plenty of money and eating healthy, too. It’s a win-win situation.

Invest in a Bike

If you have to walk to work and it’s a long distance walk, you might consider buying a bike. If you don’t want to use your car too often, a bike can offer you comfort and it can take you anywhere on time. You’ll be avoiding the traffic jams like a pro.



The Reality Behind Frugal Living!

frugal living


The Reality behind Frugal Living


Frugal living teaches us a lot of useful things. For starters, we are not born just to work, go home, pay the bills…and that’s it. No, life is so much more than this. It’s not defined by your 9 to 5 job, by what you own etc.

We think of all the things we need to do now that we sometimes forget about the future, thinking we have enough time later to take care of our dreams, aspirations, hobbies and passions. But we need to see past our bills, tasks and work activities.


Learning how to Survive on Your Own

Frugal living really opens your eyes and you will end up exploring a new dimension. You will learn that you don’t need loans to survive, to make it on your own. Your will and determination will get you where you want to. You will learn to set goals, be more realistic, be more organized and save enough money and time to do the things that you really want to without depending on anybody else but yourself.


Practicing Introspection

When you are first acquainted with the perks of a frugal life, you will find yourself lost deep in thought. You will learn to be more introspective, more analytical and you will start having several plans and backup solutions for different goals. This road will help you rediscover yourself and find out what you really want from life. You can view it as a philosophical approach with a realistic twist.


Coming to Terms with what You Do

A new kind of lifestyle can highlight what you did wrong in the past. Or it can better show you how you evolved from a chaotic schedule to a more organized one. Truth is that there’s always room for improvement. Some people acknowledge their actions, the field they work in and they start to understand that their profession (even if it is important for them) doesn’t define them. The actions that we take define us; our dreams define us and so do our accomplishments. It might be harsh to come to terms with the idea that our profession is just a profession; it gives us a financial stability, it makes us feel proud, but it can also help up do what we have always dreamt of doing. And usually our dreams have nothing to do with our jobs.


Letting Go

When you start living frugally you’ll automatically let go of fears, anxiety and negativity. You will be focused on what you want to accomplish and you won’t let anxiety come in between your will and dreams. And that feeling of control and accomplishment beats every doubt that you might have. It’s the fuel that helps you to keep on going till you achieve what you have planned.


More Time

The truth is that living frugally will save you money but it will also help you save some time. You will have more time to daydream, more time to spend to relax after a hard day’s work. There are so many advantages of setting a schedule, deciding on what activities you wish to do and sticking to that schedule.


Hello, Frugal Living!

frugal living


We all struggle with fleeting thoughts such as “what if I saved money when I had the chance?” It’s never too late to turn your thoughts into reality. Of course, it’s so easy to imagine what you’d do with the money that you saved, but it is far more difficult to start saving money because you got used with a certain routine and lifestyle.

But the human mind can adapt to anything. You have the power to change something in your life for the better. So get ready to say hello to frugal living; the kind of living you’ll fall in love with after a few months in which you get accustomed to it.


Learning How to Manage Money

Some people have an innate talent at managing money while some are experts in a different field. Luckily, anybody can learn how to manage money. It’s not just a single recipe for success; it all depends on your budget, number of family members and lifestyle. At first, you have to assign a certain amount of money that you wish to save on a monthly basis. Then, after a few months, you increase that amount till you manage to save thousands of dollars.


Analyze the Available Offers

Always search for the best deals; cool offers from trusted brands and companies. This way you’ll benefit from trustworthy brands that offer you quality services at affordable prices.


Homemade Products

You spend a lot of bucks on beauty products. Sometimes, these beauty products use chemicals that can cause damage to your skin. Why don’t you try some natural recipes? Nature is the best beauty expert and the fruits and vegetables that you use can make you look younger and feel so much healthier. You’ll be saving a lot of money, too.


Have You Considered Gardening?

It may come as a surprise, but gardening is therapeutic. You can practice introspection while planting different trees, plants, veggies. You will have a garden to die for, healthy food that you can cook that comes from your backyard and you’ll also get to relax.

Cleaning, Storage and Organizing

Some say that planning and organizing take the fun out of life. They actually don’t; they make life worthwhile. It’s true that spontaneous acts are awesome, but it’s also true that we need planning to get things done fast and in an efficient manner. When it comes to cleaning you can use some cool DIY tips that will teach you how to use homemade products that last longer, smell great and that aren’t toxic for your eyes, skin or nose. Think of storage spaces to make your rooms seem bigger and think of organizing your house and get rid of useless objects. By keeping these things in mind, you won’t be so tempted to buy other elements of décor; stick to neutral, minimalist designs that are more affordable and that also make your house seem welcoming and spacious.

Think about the Extra Trips to the Market

…and reduce the number of trips you take. Buy all you need from the get-go. Make an extensive list with what you and your family needs and if you need an extra hand to help you out go shopping with your family members. Buy the things you need, not the things that are on sales and aren’t of so much use to you.

Take healthy snacks on the go!

healthy snacks on the go


Are you still hanging on to some of your New Year’s resolutions? I hope so! If we stick with them now, we’ve almost made them a habit. I keep reminding myself about that and I hope a couple of mine are easier and become habit soon! One of my New Year’s resolutions is to eat healthier all the time, not just when it is easy. As a busy mom with four kids that is harder than it seems. It seems we are always running from one thing to another. There are days when finding healthy snacks on the go seems like an impossible task.


My four kids always seem to need to go someplace or be somewhere. Times are crazy and sometimes I get hungry on the go. Some days it even seems impossible to stop home and grab a healthy lunch. I’m determined to try to keep a few healthy snacks ready for times like those when I need to keep to my New Year’s resolution of eating healthier.


Ice Water
I know this one may seem like a no brainer but not all of us always think about it. I have started to try to take a water bottle filled with ice water when I go out to do errands or run around town. This keeps me from grabbing a diet soda at the checkout counter and keeps me going and hydrated. I wish I’d thought of this tip earlier, water isn’t really one of my healthy snacks on the go but I think it goes hand in hand with them.


I think nuts are super great healthy snacks on the go. They travel well because they don’t need to be kept cool and you don’t need utensils to eat them. Super easy! A quick handful of nuts will usually curb hunger and give me some good energy.


At first this sounds like a strange thing to think of as a portable snack but it is really another of my favorite healthy snacks on the go. String cheese and wrapped wax covered cheese seems to be super easy to toss in my bag. I’ve even grabbed a slice or two of other cheeses and put them in a plastic baggie to take with me. It works great.

Power Bars
These healthy snacks on the go can be expensive and they aren’t always as healthy as they appear but if you shop carefully they can be good choices. Watch out for bars that are loaded with sugar or other hidden unhealthy things.


Veggie slices make great healthy snacks on the go. Carrots and celery are always a good idea. Peppers, broccoli, cauliflower, even pickles can be put into plastic baggies or containers and taken on the go. They are yummy and a great way to get all of your veggie servings in your day.


I love yogurt so taking it with me on the go is a great idea. I like to take a yogurt with me when I know my errands will keep me on the go at lunch time. If I put a yogurt with another of my favorite healthy snacks on the go, I have a great lunch on the go. Yum!


These are just a few of the healthy snacks on the go I like to take with me. Have more idea? Share them with us – we love to hear from you!

Get rid of unused items!

Product Details

Last week we talked about organizing all of those new Christmas gifts. I told you about how hard it used to be for me to put all of the new gifts away until I developed a system to make it easier. When you are making room for the new items, it is a great time to get rid of unused items or replaced items. I love this part of putting all of the Christmas gifts away. I think it feels great and I love anything that helps declutter my house.


When I was younger I really believed that a bit of clutter didn’t bother me. I don’t know if it is because I am older or because my kids are older or what the change is but now clutter really bothers me. As I begin to put away all of the new gifts from Christmas I see the potential for adding to clutter. To keep from adding to the clutter I take a few minutes and get rid of unused items. This makes room for new gift items and may even free up some extra space. It doesn’t take very long to get rid of unused items if you have a system and a plan. I have a few tips that help me when I get rid of unused items and reduce the clutter around my house.



Sometimes it is easier to have a location where you temporarily place when you begin to get rid of unused items. This is a lot like a central holding area where you gather the unused items in preparation to sort them and get rid of them. Sometimes you have enough time to remove something from its place but not get it 100% ready to go. I have a Rubbermaid tote in the garage that I use for this purpose. Anything that helps me get rid of unused items and declutter is a bonus, so this small step is a good one.


Online yard sales and physical yard sales are a great way to get rid of unused items. If I have an item that is in good condition and of decent value, I try to sell it. It is always nice to get a little bit of money when I am trying to get rid of unused items.


Sometimes I have items in good condition that I just don’t want to sell for some reason or another. I donate these items. There are lots of different ways to donate items. You might be surprised. We’ll talk about that in a blog later this week.


This is a fun way to get rid of unused items. Sometimes an unused item can be used in a new way which can save you money. Repurposing an item can be a great way to get rid of unused items while helping you save money by not needing to buy something new.


If you can’t sell something, donate or repurpose it, can you recycle it? When you start to get rid of unused items and have to dispose of something, try to recycle it. I always feel a bit better about getting rid of something if I can recycle it.


Throw Away
The last resort when you are trying to get rid of unused items is to throw them away. I usually hate to throw things away but if I have gone through all of the other options, I do it. It is better to throw unused items away than to keep the clutter in your house.


Do you have more ideas to help get rid of unused items? Let us know, we love to hear from you!

Get a Target Red Card and get FREE shipping plus 5% off!

Target Red Card

Christmas shopping season is over for now. We conquered Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and all the other “days” that exist in the holiday shopping season. There were SO many great deals and so many ways to get great deals. Sometimes I feel like I get a little spoiled during the holiday shopping season and then when it is over, I feel just a bit bummed about it. There were lots of great promos this year. One of my favorites was Target’s free shipping on any order promo. Were you able to take advantage of that promo? I did and it was awesome. It was nice to find something I wanted and just be able to order it without worrying about any shipping charges. Were you sad when Target’s shipping charges went back to normal? Did you know there is still a way to get all of your Target orders shipped to you for free? There is! You get free shipping on any order with the Target Red Card.


Lots of retailers have store credit cards that come with different perks like points back and discounts. Very few offer the perks you can get for having a Target Red Card. Customers paying for their purchases with a Target Red Card get FREE shipping on any order from Using a Target Red Card to pay will also get you an additional 5% off your purchase. If that isn’t enough, you will also get an 30 extra days for returns!


These Target Red Card perks sound great don’t they? Add those perks to a super easy online application process and having a Target Red Card sounds like a no brainer. There is actually one decision you need to make before signing up for a Target Red Card. Target offers a Target Red Card in the form of a credit card and a debit card. They are very different so it is important to decide which you want and sign up for the right card. You can compare the cards below:


Target Debit Card

  • Works like a check by drawing from your existing checking account
  • No annual fee
  • Secured PIN access
  • Cash withdrawal up to $40 at checkout in store

Target Credit Card

  • Charge your Target and purchases
  • No annual fee
  • Manage account and make payments online


Most people pick just one of the Target Red Card but I do know a few people who have both. I personally use the Target Red Card debit card. I love how easy it is to use and I love that there are no monthly bills to remember to pay. It works just like using the regular debit card from my bank. Such an easy way to save money! Free shipping and 5% off can really add up after even a few small purchases.


Have you decided to get a Target Red Card? The online application process is really very quick and easy. Most of the time you will get an instant decision on your Target Red Card application and you will be able to shop right away. Some Target Red Card debit applications may take a few days, depending on your bank. Whichever you choose, get a Target Red Card and enjoy the savings and free shipping.


Get Discounted gift cards to save more $ for the holidays! Lots to choose from!

This is a pretty great deal. Buy the discounted gift cards now and then use them while shopping with Pinching Your Pennies through the holidays! Use them online or in stores (but seriously who wants to get dressed to go shopping?)

You can even buy them to use on groceries & dining out!

New customers can use promo code RAISE60AF to take an extra $5 off orders over $60. (new customers only, expires 11/30) LINK

Get your yard ready for winter list – Part 2

yard ready for winter list

Yesterday I started telling you about how getting my yard ready for winter always seems like a HUGE task. It seems like it will be impossible to get done. Then I try to look at it differently. Getting your yard ready for winter seems much less complicated if you break it into smaller pieces. Looking at the parts individually make the big task seem doable and less daunting. I talked about some of the things I do to get the actual yard ready. I also talked about trees, bushes and plants. After you talk about and take care of the trees, bushes and plants, there is still so much to do. Like I said yesterday, I’ve made myself a list and it really helps. Here are the non-plant items on my get your yard ready for winter list.



Blow out sprinkler systems
If you have a sprinkler system this is one you don’t want to miss. Some systems don’t need to be blown out so be sure you know if your system needs it or not. If you skip this step on the get your yard ready for winter list and don’t blow out a sprinkler system that needs it, you risk freezing and breaking your pipes. Not a good thing!


Cover water faucets
This is a quick and easy item to check off your get your yard ready for winter list. You can pick up an outdoor faucet cover for about a dollar at most stores. They usually just tie onto the faucet with a rubber loop. It is an easy way to help guard against frozen pipes.


Pick up sprinklers and hoses
This may sound like a silly thing to check but all too often it gets missed. If the hoses and sprinklers are still out on the lawn someplace, chances are they haven’t been used in a couple weeks. It is really quite easy to forget about them and have ruined sprinklers and hoses in the spring.


Put away toys
This is a lot like the sprinklers and hoses. There are probably a few seasonal outdoor toys outside still. Balls and other easy to misplace toys can be hidden behind bushes and other outdoor features. There are also lots of bigger toys like swings and slides that may need to be prepped for winter or put away. A few minutes of getting everything cleaned up and put away can save time and money in the spring.


Get sidewalks and driveways ready
This is one get your yard ready for winter list item that isn’t thought of often but it is something very good to check. Sidewalks and driveways can get cracks and loose cement pieces. It is a good idea to clean these up and secure loose pieces before winter hits. Shoveling can be much harder and even dangerous if the loose chunks or cracks are hit with a shovel or snow blower. Cement and driveway repair is at most hardware stores.


This is an optional item but it is lots of fun. It is also much easier to set up now that when the snow is falling and temperatures have dropped. My kids love watching the birds at the birdfeeder in the winter. So this is just a fun item we add to our get your yard ready for winter list.


Have an more tips or ideas to share? Let us know! We’d love to hear them!

No Prescription Drug Insurance Coverage?

The first time we shared this post on Resources for Those without Prescription Drug Insurance Coverage we got a great response making it a PYP Best Blog Post. 

This past year my family experienced a job loss and changeover, and we found ourselves without prescription drug insurance coverage. This was a shock for my family and our wallet as on average we were spending hundreds/month on co-pays from our previous insurance plans (we have medical conditions amongst family members that need to be managed). So now what?

Here is my story of how I trimmed my family’s medicine budget AND found resources available for those (including me!) who do not have prescription drug insurance.

1.Take inventory. You must know all of your prescriptions are before you can see what options you have. Write them down, including dosage, frequency and results from current medications. Once you know your medicine profile, you can start to seek alternatives and facilitate changes.
*Please note, do NOT do the following without consulting your prescribing physicians, first.

2.Seek alternatives. Contact your prescribing physicians and see if there is a cheaper alternative or a generic version of prescribed medication.

3.Double your Dosage & Split. Ask your doctor if he/she will double your monthly dosage, then you slice your tablets into half- thus doubling your supply, while reducing your cost. This option does require homework and footwork: check pricing with pharmacy to make sure it is a cost-effective option and if your physician will do this.

4.Seek Over The Counter or Herbal Options. Again, check with your doctor to see if this option for you. For my family, over-the-counter Prilosec proved to be a cost-friendly option for treating Acid Reflux. (see IF there are coupons available, too!)

5.Check out money saving programs from pharmaceutical manufacturers. Most major drug makers offer some sort of discount savings card (please note, these are NOT insurance cards). A great starting point is Glaxo Smith Kline’s site. One that I joined is Together RX Access and save 25% off my Imitrex.

6.Compare shop your local pharmacies. This option does require a bit of research, but the savings can be HUGE! For example, I take Topamax for migraine prevention. At a retail chain pharmacy, this cost me $60/month on my insurance plan and a few hundred without (yes, sticker shock!). I called area pharmacies looking for options when I came across a neighborhood pharmacy that had a pharmacy discount card that I was eligible for and my Topamax cost me only $30. HUGE savings!

7.Ask for Physician samples. Swallow your pride and ask your doctor if she/he happens to have any samples of either the medicine you need or an alternative that would work for you. That is what they are for! And your doctor would rather give them to you then see them go to waste.

8.Visit your prescribed medicine’s website. Many times there are discounts, coupons or instant rebates offered to users. Check out internetdrugcoupons for links to many medicines. Here’s my success story… my husband needs the ulcer medicine, Nexium. We have tried the cheaper option of Prilosec, but it was like putting a band-aid on a gunshot wound. So I visited and found that we could get a month’s medicine for $50 with Nexium’s saving card. Add a request to the doctor to double the prescription’s dosage for two months, and we are spending $25/month vs. $168 cash only.

9.Use pharmacy coupons to offset the costs. Many retailers offer store gift cards if and when you bring a new or transfer a prescription to their store’s pharmacy. These coupons usually appear in the Sunday ads. Check out the PYP boards for announcements.

It does take a lot of work and hoop-jumping to save money in any area, and prescription drugs are no exception. Above are proven suggestions that I know work! I have done it and managed to maintain the medicines that are necessary to keep us healthy without going into debt.

Do you have any other ideas that might benefit others?

A PYP Best Blog: Homemade Shower Cleaner and the many uses for vinegar

So for today’s PYP’s Best Blog post I am combining 2 of our best blogs into one post!  I recently needed an amazing shower cleaner and I was reminded of this post that we did several years ago.  Since one of the ingredients is vinegar I also wanted to re-share a post we did on the many uses of vinegar, bringing 2 of PYP’s Best Blog posts together!

Everybody’s making this stuff. Are you? Simply put 1 C white vinegar in the microwave until warm and mix with 1 C Dawn Dish. Put this into a spray bottle and you have an AMAZING shower cleaner. For tough soap scum, you can spray and leave overnight. This stuff really works!!
PS – You can actually use ANY amount of vinegar and an equal part of Dawn. Also, you don’t need to reheat this every time you use it. You just heat it once to get the ingredients to combine well.

The many uses of vinegar:

There are so many ways that you can use vinegar in your home. It is very inexpensive and not harmful at all to children or the environment. It is a go-to staple in my home. I have a gallon in my kitchen and laundry room at all times. It is also something that we keep in our food storage. I use it for cooking, cleaning, canning, and even in my dog’s water bowl!!

When you can’t get the last bit of mayonnaise or salad dressing out of the jar, try dribbling a little of your favorite vinegar into it, put the cap on tightly and shake well. You’ll be amazed at how much you’ve been wasting.

Try soaking fish in vinegar and water before cooking it. It will be sweeter, more tender and hold its shape better. When boiling or poaching fish, a tablespoon of vinegar added to the water will keep it from crumbling so easily.

Cake icing can be prevented from becoming sugary if a little vinegar is added to the ingredients before cooking. The same is true when making homemade candy.

When boiling an egg and it’s cracked, a little vinegar in the water will keep the white from running out.

A teaspoon of white distilled or cider vinegar added to the water in which you boil potatoes will keep them nice and white. You can keep peeled potatoes from turning dark by covering them with water and adding 2 teaspoons of vinegar.

Freshen up slightly wilted vegetables by soaking them in cold water and vinegar.

Add 2 tablespoons white distilled vinegar to 1 pint water and use to wash fresh fruits and vegetables, then rinse thoroughly. Research has shown that vinegar helps kill bacteria on fruits and vegetables.

Before frying doughnuts, add ½ teaspoon of vinegar to hot oil to prevent doughnuts soaking up extra grease. Use caution when adding the vinegar to the hot oil.

Perk up a can of soup, gravy or sauce with a teaspoon of your favorite specialty vinegar. It adds flavor and taster fresher.

As a tenderizer for tough meat or game, make a marinade in the proportion of half a cup of your favorite vinegar to a cup of heated liquid, such as bouillon; or for steak, you may prefer to a mix of vinegar and oil, rubbed in well and allowed to stand for two hours.

Remove fruit or berry stains from your hands by cleaning them with vinegar.

For fluffier and great tasting rice, add a teaspoon of white distilled vinegar to the boiling water before adding rice. Rice will be easier to spoon and less sticky.

It is easy to take out the heavy stale smell often found in lunch boxes. Dampen a piece of fresh bread with white distilled vinegar and leave it in the lunch box overnight.

Get rid of cooking smells:
Let simmer a small pot of vinegar and water solution.

Soak a paper towel with 1-2 Tablespoons of white distilled vinegar. Wipe mixing bowl and beaters or whisk with the vinegar-soaked paper towel, then dry with a cloth or paper towel prior to whipping egg whites.

Bathtub film can be removed by wiping with white distilled vinegar and then with soda. Rinse clean with water.

Rub down shower doors with a sponge soaked in white distilled vinegar to remove soap residue.

Corrosion may be removed from shower heads or faucets by soaking them in diluted white distilled vinegar overnight. This may be easily accomplished by saturating a terry cloth towel in vinegar and wrapping it around the shower head or faucet.

Stubborn stains can be removed from the toilet by spraying them with white distilled vinegar and brushing vigorously. The bowl may be deodorized by adding 3 cups of white distilled vinegar. Allow it to remain for a half hour, then flush.

A teaspoon of white distilled vinegar for each quart bowl of drinking water helps keep your pet free of fleas and ticks. The ratio of one teaspoon to one quart is for a forty-pound animal.

Test the color fastness of the carpet with white distilled vinegar in an inconspicuous place. Then sprinkle distilled vinegar over the fresh pet accident. Wait a few minutes and sponge from the center outward. Blot up with a dry cloth. This procedure may need to be repeated for stubborn stains.

A PYP Best Blog! Shopping for Kid’s Clothing on a Budget!

Just in case you missed this article on shopping for kid’s clothing on a budget the first time we shared it a couple of years ago, we are republishing it. After Marne wrote this blog originally, we got an awesome response. This is one of the PYP Best Blogs!


I you have kids around 11 years old or younger, there are several things you can do to save money on purchasing clothing. Once they get older it is more difficult, but it can still be done! All it takes is a little time, discipline, and desire. Here are some helpful tips.

1. Shop at consignment stores. Many times you can find clothing in great condition at consignment stores, and pay significantly less than you would brand new. You do have to shop often if you are looking for something specific, but patience can pay off. Consignment stores are especially good for items like snow pants and boots in the winter, items that never wear out! Girls items like dance leotards and dance shoes are also in great condition, and much less than purchasing clothing brand new. If you are cleaning out your closets at home, you should consider taking your clothing and other children’s items in good condition to the consignment store. You will get store credit or cash back for what they keep.

2. Hit up yard sales. This one will not work for everyone, but if you can, try it. Yard sale season is beginning now! If you get lucky you can find people selling their name brand clotheing for $.50-$1 each. I have found some great bargains this way.

3. Mend what you have. Instead of discarding jeans that have a hole, patch it. There are many creative ways online to patch a knee that younger children will love, while giving character to their outfit. Make jeans or pants that are too short into summer Capri’s for girls. Make a long sleeve shirt into a short sleeve shirt. Take that old dress shirt from your husbands closet and turn it into a dress for your little girl. The options are endless! There are countless ideas online for things like this. My grandma used to always say, “Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without.” If we think this way, we will waste and buy much less than we do.

4. Consider trading with friends. I have some friends that will give me their daughter’s outgrown clothing. If you know someone that you can trade clothing with, it really helps! You can give them some, they can give you some. Works out great if you have children in ages that will compliment this idea.

5. Check the thrift stores. Stores like Goodwill, Savers, Deseret Industries, and such are good places to hit up for clothing. Especially when they have 50% off days. If you take the time to search the racks, often you can find brand new items with the tags still on them.

6. Remember that your kids don’t need as many clothes as you (or they) might think. Kids tend to gravitate to the same outfits over and over. Why stock their drawers and closets with clothes and don’t need to be worn? I like to have about two weeks worth of clothes, then I have found that laundry isn’t out of control, their rooms are messy, and our budget thanks us. Look at their needs and meet those needs, not delving into anything extra.

How do you keep your kids’ clothes budget under control?


A PYP Best Blog! Being Frugal and Saving Through the Little Things!

Just in case you missed this article on being frugal and saving money the first time we shared it a couple of years ago, we are republishing it. After Marne wrote this blog originally, we got an awesome response. This is one of the PYP Best Blogs!


Recently I went for a visit to my parents’ house. The house where I grew up. It had been a few years since I had been there and just walking in the door made me remember moments, events, and holidays. Isn’t it amazing how smells, items, and places do that to us? I was flooded with so many emotions that I didn’t know where to begin.

One thing I noticed was how frugal my parents still are. They passed that gene onto me, but I am not as frugal as I could be. They pinch pennies till they scream. Me…not so much. I suppose I go through phases like anyone else, but my parents never seem to falter. They are always able to get by with less and be happy. As I thought about this while I was visiting, I came up with some things I wanted to remember and implement better in my own life. Things I already know but don’t practice. Or things that I think I knew, but really didn’t understand as much as I thought.

1. Always be thankful for what you have, not what you don’t have. This is something we are taught from toddler ages, but I think it all sinks in differently for each of us. For me, actions spoke louder than words. My parents LIVE this principle, they didn’t just teach it. I am living debt-free today because this principle has been ingrained in me. I can do a better job at not complaining, however. My mom never complained. Ever. Art least not in front of me.

2. Make do with what you have, or do without. Now, this is easier said than done. But I really believe that there are many times I just throw something away that could be re-purposed. Or just buy new pants instead of fixing the hole on the old ones. My parents rarely bought anything without using the current item down to it’s threads. I never had new clothes unless I really needed them. How many of us can say that now? Trying to differentiate between a need and a want can be tricky, but being honest with yourself will help you see what you truly need or don’t need. I was shocked to see my mom still has clothes from when I was in high school (18 years ago). She truly doesn’t waste anything. The decor is the same. Looks the same as 20 years ago. And I like it that way too. If I went home to a newly decorated house it wouldn’t mean as much to me.

3. Find new purposes for everyday items. My parents were really good at this one. I was born in 1976, so obviously the internet was not there for ideas like it is now. Pinterest and Google didn’t exist. Mom and Dad came up with ideas or solutions on their own, or talked to friends and family. I thought it was normal to use empty shoeboxes to organize my drawers, use empty oatmeal canisters for my toys, and toilet paper rolls as cord holders. As I grew I realized not many people did those things, but it really helped me know that most needs can be met with what we already have on had. No need to spend lots of money or organizing bins or fancy tie holders. Just use a little creativity and imagination and we can solve our need without spending a dime.

4. Try making it homemade. This is beginning to become more popular thanks to Pinterest and the desire to stop eating processed foods. But it is true: making food from scratch saves lots of money, and it is healthier for you. Period. I won’t even tell you how old I was before I ate pizza that wasn’t homemade or mac and cheese from the box. My mom made everything and it was delicious!

These are not new concepts. Just tried and true that we all need to remember if we want to spend less and have a better quality of life.

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Shopping Online – Let’s talk about using coupons and pinching your pennies!

Product DetailsWe’ve been talking about pinching your pennies and using coupons to save money. Last night we mentioned the concept of never paying full price again. We love the idea of never having to pay full price. This idea works far past shopping at the grocery store. When we want to save money, we want to save money on everything, all the time. Not just some of the time or in some situations. One good way to do this is to shop online.


Shopping online provides a new shopping experience for many people. Believe it or not there are many people who have never shopped online. Shopping online is a lot like shopping around town, there are lots of choices and places to shop. Most major retailers have websites where they offer the same products found in their stores. There are also many retailers who just sell products online through their websites. Many times items can be found online at great savings. Lots of times an item will be cheaper online than it is in the store. Many online retailers off free shipping or have other kinds of promotions.


Most internet retailers offer discounts by providing discount coupon codes for things like free shipping, percentages off or fixed dollar amounts off a purchase. Using these discount codes is easy and it increases your savings. There are many places online that compile lists of these codes for shoppers. There is a list of discount coupon codes for most of the popular online retailers here on Pinching Your Pennies. Find it by clicking on Online Coupons & Codes at the top of the page. Along with discount codes, many websites like this have areas devoted to sharing internet shopping deals. Our blog features the best deals around the web every day. We scour popular retailers and bring you the best deals. Taking a look each day will help you avoid missing the best money saving deals online.


Shopping online has also become extremely safe. When there is a data breach at an online retailer many people panic and become afraid of shopping online. Shopping online at a reputable retailer is actually very safe and panic is usually needless. One good tip to remember is to be smart and choose to enter your credit card number each time instead of storing it on the different websites.


When talking about shopping online and saving we also have to look at other kinds of saving. Lots of times shopping online can help you avoid running from store to store looking for a deal or special item. Save gas, save the money spent on snacks or lunch – it all adds up. Your time is also very valuable. Saving time can be factored in to the overall savings you get when you shop online.


With a better price, no shipping charges, increased internet shopping security, no hassle of going to the store and further discounts available with coupons codes, online shopping is growing in popularity. It has become a first stop for many smart shoppers. Shopping online is a great way to pinch your pennies.



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