Costco Price Comparison List

Is Costco the best place to shop? What are the real deals there? Share what you have found to be good deals at Costco and items that you can find at a better deal elsewhere. I like to hear what other people have to say about Costco.

I personally have found that toothpaste, shampoo, toothbrushes, cereal, spices, and many other items are much cheaper NOT at Costco. Sometimes I want to stop people with their carts full of all that stuff and teach them about couponing! Now that would be a sight.

I KNOW you have wondered at times if Costco really is a good price. I have been at Walmart before wondering if Costco’s price is cheaper. So here is how PYP makes your life easier.

PYP has a Costco Price Comparison List!


Dewey has put together a wonderful list of prices at Costco. She keeps it updated on a regular basis. So print it out and take it with you the next time you go to the grocery store. I keep mine in my coupon binder.

Now there is no wondering on the best deal. Obviously not everything is on there and every Costco might not be the same, but it is a start!

Thanks Dewey!

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  1. But if you use the Costco coupon, get 3% back AND consider the quality of the merchandise of Costco (not to mention avoiding the horridness that is our local Walmart), Costco usually rules the day.

  2. Wow! Can we get one of these for Sams Club now? 🙂 Awsome job!

  3. thanks so much for sharing, I love this kind of help, it is a big store and often extremely overwhelming. Now I can print off the list and do my regular shopping knowing if I am missing out on a "great deal". Thanks so much!!

  4. Agreed that sometimes you can find cheaper prices elsewhere, but also agreed that the quality at Costco is always top-notch. I think this price comparison will really help!

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